Ragefire/Lockjaw Kunark Poll Results

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Aristo, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Tarrin Augur

    Weird. The compromise was between 3 and 6. One server got 6. One server got 3. Or are you saying BOTH servers should get 4.5?
  2. Tarrin Augur

    Having the most votes does not equal a majority.
  3. doodelydoo Journeyman

    Having the most votes from people, or the most votes from accounts? Why are you ignoring me guy? ;)
  4. Finchy Augur

    the decision from DBG doesn't make sense for RF like my point 1 doesn't make sense for LJ players, I agree, but to me it makes the most sense of a bad situation. Point 2 is more important than any other issues to a lot of people, which I explained why. Just because names don't matter to you, doesn't mean they don't matter to others.

    From how I understood things option 3 would qualify for just about everyone. From the way the worded the information regarding transfers, once kunark has been set in stone for release day is when the transfers will be ending. So by this, we should continue to stay on RF for the final vote, and if said vote is in favor of actually opening, they allow a couple more days for final transfers to LJ, at which point I would move.
  5. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    I'll help you out here.

    25% of people want Kunark in 3 months.
    37.5% of people want Kunark in LESS THAN 3 months
    37.5% of people want Kunark in MORE THAN 3 months.

    So... No it doesn't work like that at all. However it CAN be interpreted that people who chose LESS THAN 3 months would prefer 3 months over MORE THAN 3 months. As 3 months is closer to their desired outcome than 6 months.
  6. buffalou New Member

    Unless previous stated otherwise - a vote of 51 to 49 would be a majority of the people without exception and since Daybreak did not state otherwise a majority would be the 51 vote.
  7. Mezrah Augur


    I clearly stated they "won the majority of seats", not the majority of votes cast. Our first past the post the post system is broken up into 650 electoral wards, it is possible to win the majority of seats without winning the majority of the total votes cast.
  8. Glistarian Augur

    There was no majority vote winner.

    You cannot combine options to create a "majority", that's just not how polling works. There is no meaningful, valid statement that can be made about a majority. Period.

    You can say, however, that a plurality voted for 6 months.
  9. Jezzie Augur

    Vulak had 1 dominating guild that refused to co-operate with the rest of the community and forced their brand of competition on other guilds. Hacks were rampant and CS was non-existent.
    This led to players leaving and a dead server.
    Lockjaw isn't Vulak........yet!
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  10. Kunon Augur

    You've used some terrible math repeatedly in several posts now. Stop it.
    40% from one server + 40% from the other does not equal 80%. It would equal 40%.

    Here is the math
    Your way:
    40+40=80% (6 Months) 35 + 35 = 70%(2nd places)
    80% +70% = 150% You can't have over 100% of the vote...

    Actual results using the numbers you posted.
    40% (6 months) + 35% (2nd) + 25% (3rd) = 100%

    Incorrect. No single option received a majority. A majority is 50% + 1. 6 Months did receive a plurality (the most votes for a single option). Instead of just telling you that 3 months is a compromise (which they used), I will also provide more math to show it. There is no possible way to get a majority based off of what people voted for, only what they did not vote for. Here I will cover all those majorities in the most detailed way (which will lose many of you) and their requisite compromises to actually merge the votes.

    When the other two options were combined a majority did not want ASAP.
    6 months + 3 months = 9 9/2 = 4.5 months would be their compromise
    When the other two options were combined a majority did not want 6 months.
    ASAP + 3 = 3 3/2 = 1.5 months would be their compromise
    When the other two options were combined a majority did not want 3 months.
    ASAP + 6 = 6 6/2 = 3 months would ironically be their compromise

    3 theoretical majorities exist and their compromise is surprise surprise...
    4,5 + 1.5 + 3 = 9 9/3 = 3 Months

    (EQ is based entirely based on math, learn to love it)

    Another way to explain the compromise without so much math: If you are a reasonable person it is safe to assume that if the poll had people select their most preferred option and then a second option that...

    Everyone who selected ASAP as their primary would have selected 3 months as their secondary as it is closest to what they want.

    Everyone who selected 6 months as their primary would have selected 3 months as their secondary as it is closest to what they want.

    That would yield 100% of the population getting their first or second option. Also called a compromise.

    The other 2 options would not receive 100% since none of the ASAP would have picked 6 months as their secondary option and vice versa if you use reason.

    Ah.. School is out, summer is here. Anyone want to take a wild guess what I do for a profession? I've also seen people reference politics. I can use a political example using the current Senate as an example if people would like/understand the better.
  11. Heilena Augur

    Show me one real poll that adds votes together to get another version of Majority?

    We know you canceled cable because you are a RMT, and you like the value, on the return. But please spend some of that money on an education.
  12. Heilena Augur

    So what happens to the people who selected 3 months but would have selected 6 vs ASAP? Your math is flawed, try again.

    Also Majority you refer to is wrong.

    As for what you do? teachers aid trying to get bonus points
  13. Tintaglia Elder


    And I am of the opinion there should be no transfers. If you want to change servers, roll new and start from scratch. Everybody that went to Lockjaw had to do just that.
  14. Dark_Intentions Augur

    Well I didn't want to name TL specifically, but I will now. Will Lockjaw have a TL?
  15. Unique_Moop Augur

    How could you avoid it? Scarcity requires thus behavior.
  16. Tarrin Augur

    I am sorry I am not aware of the nuances of your country's electoral process.
  17. Wispur Elder

    So, 6 monthers won the vote on both servers.
    That is not debatable. The vote thast got the highest percentage IS the winner.

    Now they're saying that people who want to play at the 6 month timeframe have to move to lockjaw. ...but not all of them will because of friends or guilds.

    Simultaneously there are going to be a lot of people who will want to leave the "dead" LJ server while they can.

    So that will end up leaving a small 6 monther community on Lockjaw, and a much larger but unhappier community on Ragefire that is forced to play at 3 months even though 6 month won on the server.

    It seems like, even though 6 months won, 6 months got screwed, hard.

    Wouldn't a better solution have been to open up a private server for TL, let them transfer there so they can do their thing, and then most other people are at 6 months like they wanted, on the servers they wanted?
  18. Indore Journeyman

    I for one am happy with the path they are going. Great job team!
  19. Finchy Augur

    actually if you started over on ragefire you have less than 2 months to be ready for kunark as the time is 3 months from server launch not from the time of the poll.
  20. doodelydoo Journeyman

    By that description, which of these two TLP servers is shaping up like Vulak?