RageFire Founder's Chest Weighs 50lbs?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by GlassySky, May 25, 2015.

  1. GlassySky New Member

    My wizard is too weak to carry it, so I deleted it. :( Should it be this heavy? Could devs maybe change it to 5lbs please? ty
  2. Batbener Augur

    You aren't supposed to carry it, you were supposed to put it in your bank......
    yellowzombie likes this.
  3. Krylos225 New Member

    Its for your bank noob. Not for you to carry around.... way to go deleting it!
  4. Muslix Journeyman

    Pretty sure there is even a warning in the marketplace description that it is heavy and to not be very far from the bank when you purchase.
    Melanippe likes this.
  5. GlassySky New Member

    Well that is unfortunate. I would rather have a bag I can carry around. Also your toxic response was not needed Krylos. There is too much of that already. It is sad that people can not be more helpful or informative without immediately disrespecting fellow gamers.

    Yes I see now the description for the box. I did not bother to read it earlier so my mistake. I will be more careful from now and read everything before purchasing stuff.
  6. Hexaholic Augur

    You get a bag too. He's not toxic, he's just answering ignorance with ignorance.
  7. GlassySky New Member

    I do not see any bag, only this box. It is under the bags category but it is a box. So yea now that I read the description I see it is a bank box. I did not bother reading the description earlier for whatever reason. Hex I don't need your opinion either. When someone calls you a noob it is disrespectful and toxic.

    So far coming back to EQ the community has been terrible in several areas ingame. Nobody seems to want to group, or help with buffs/healing, people train aggro on others purposefully. Looks like I will not be hanging around for more of this terrible community. It is a shame what the gaming community has become since EQ was originally released. I myself am tired of all the hate.
  8. Sasrayk Journeyman

    Glass, don't let peoples words get you down, just play and enjoy EQ as you like. It does seem as though some people have returned to EQ and especially with the excitement of the new server, some people have seemed to go back to their child like methods. (I am not talking about just the posters above). But after the newness wears down, it will likely be a bit more civil again.

    As for the Box, try opening a ticket to see if you can get it back. I do not yet know if you can buy a reclamation token for deleted items on Ragefire. If you can, that would be a very easy way to get it back, though you'd have to buy a token. Least its not bad, 5 dollars for 5 tokens minimum purchase.
  9. Nolrog Augur

    It's meant to be a box for your bank, not for you to carry around.