Ragefire disappointment

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Gortar, May 22, 2015.

  1. Gortar Augur

    I subbed an account just to play on ragefire. I know its still early, but I cant play due to maximum user limit. Why is there a limit of the number of users available? Are we getting our time prorated since we can't use the service currently?
  2. guado Augur

    It has to do with server stability, and no, you're 99% probably not going to get prorated. This is a video game.
  3. Brumski Augur

    Sadly a significant number of them are boxers and afk that wont log out. I was on for a couple hours this morning till my comp froze up and now I can't log back in. :eek:(
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Ouch.... well it proves the server is popular. Maybe they need a second one set up asap.
  5. Gortar Augur

    I pay for a service, I cant use the service. I shouldn't be charged for the time I cannot use. That is generally how business works, video game or otherwise.

    This isn't a demand, simply another in a long string of disappointments that EQ has caused :>.

    I am still bitter over being banned for using VMWare personally. That's another long story.

    The real question is, if you put up a new server, why is it not prepared to handle the load? I don't want to be rude, but common guys and gals.
  6. Gortar Augur

    On another note, boxers pay their sub just like I do. I have no issue at all with them playing. I only have issue with the fact I can't play with the service I'm paying for :>.
  7. Gortar Augur

    "The moment you've been waiting for has arrived. The Ragefire progression server is NOW available!"

    If you had said "give us a few weeks till we are ready", I would have paid you in a few weeks.. not today :>.
  8. Vanrau Augur

    Ask for a refund.
  9. Gortar Augur

    Nah, I knew I was wasting money subbing, but I can hope for something positive can't I ;P
  10. RainbowTest Augur

    I gave up on this server before it even launched cause of the lack of instancing and I find it hilariously ironic looking at the forums about the issues and noting the servers name. I can't believe yall fell for a new company and a gimic attempt at a money grab. Just remember any stop payment or forced refund will ban the account that recieves this so don't do anything crazy if you still intend to play live servers or on test! Think of all the stuff you have on the accounts.
    moogs likes this.
  11. Gortar Augur

    I won't do a charge back. I never spend money I cant afford to not get back. I do not have an issue stating that I find it terrible business practice to offer something and then say sorry, we've sold out after they take my money. I didn't expect better, but I hoped.

    I know there are plenty of hardworking people who love the games they create, but these people obviously aren't in charge of making decisions. Advertising and selling a service you can't provide shouldn't be ok. It shouldn't be "its just a video game" or "its only 15 bucks". I guess I just expect more from professionals, just like people expect me to do my job correctly in my professional position. I believe that too often businesses are given a pass when they should be given a fine for bad practices :>.
  12. jagarr Augur

    they'll have it resolved some time next week. enjoy the nice weather. i have only logged in to level to 5ish and reserve my names. its a massive orgy in gfay, ten instances with 60+ players each even at 9am eastern this morning. there was an actual carnival-style line to get out of felwithe last night, it was so pack and the zone entrance was jammed. it took me about 4 hours to get my 3rd box made and logged in, lol.

    its like black friday. do something else til it dies down a bit. not worth the struggle now.
  13. Cicelee Augur

    I guess I just don't get it.

    If someone really wanted the nostalgia experience, it can be done on a live server. You can get a couple friends and just go through all the old zones for that "experience". Just don't use mercenaries or do any of the added quests.

    Although it is slightly amusing that there could very well be 2000 players currently on Ragefire, of which 1850 are AFK while they are at work. A community preventing another community from playing...well played.
    Wayylon likes this.
  14. Brumski Augur

    Nostalgia is more fun when there's people to group with. I'm looking forward to an abundance of people to group with and play along. Back to the days of just saying /ooc "Lfg" and people are calling out invites.

    I don't really get why people are 4-6 boxing when that essentially turns it into a single player game and almost no different than if they did it on a regular server. I'm not against boxing, though, I think boxing more than half a group sorta defeats the purpose.
    Wayylon likes this.
  15. Gortar Augur

    I'm not against players having fun. I am against paying to play and being unable due to "insert some reason here".
  16. Gortar Augur

    I also am having a hard time being polite, so I won't post anymore (I hope I can stay away). I'll head back to a game that I don't have to pay for that has no server issues www.trovegame.com . Accordingly, I spent quite a bit of money there since it is a hoot and works :>.
  17. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    If only there were a specific forum where posts on this subject would be properly placed....
    Phrovo1 and Iila like this.
  18. Gortar Augur

    Ok, I can't stay away. 2000 is the server capacity? We had 3500-4k per server back when they showed numbers :>
  19. Gortar Augur

    Sheex, this is appropriate, I am a paying customer and I am griping. I don't expect anything to be done about my issue. If they wanted to correct it, it would have been planned ... (insert polite word here) ... ahead of time.
  20. Gortar Augur

    Brumski, I semi agree. I solo'd up until GoD. So soloing for me will be my nostalgia :). PallyPower(tm), PallyTrack(tm) hoooo! :D