Ragefire - 51 Bard LF guild

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by bober, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. bober Lorekeeper

    Finally made it 50+ and have been finding it difficult to get into pickup groups, not to mention quite boring not having a guild channel. Been playing EQ on and off since Kunark orginally released. This is my first go at a bard as I've normally played a cleric or shaman.

    Any guilds out there looking for a decent bard who knows how to use instruments in the right situation, pull singles, mez, attempt to tank, and debuff mobs?

    I'm looking for a friendly guild that runs guild groups and raids semi regularly. I'm not in highschool anymore so I can't raid every day but I can commit a few days a week to it at least.

    Send me a message on here or on Jymbo in game.
  2. fickle Elder

    If you are playing during Prime Euro Timezone, then Darkwind is recruiting, Great helpful team of international members, good atmosphere, raiding and hunting Dwagons! www.darkwind-gaming.com
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Remnants of Prexus are good peoples, they might be worth looking into.
  4. Shekky New Member