Queue issue

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tenpin, May 25, 2015.

  1. Tenpin New Member

    not sure that the queue is working for me. I never get a message that I am in the queue, just "at max capacity" message. Do I need to force patch or something?
  2. Mardy Augur

    If you haven't patched since the weekend, you need to, yes.
  3. Tenpin New Member

    ahh. was launching from eqgame.exe not launchpad. I think I got it now. thanks.
  4. Solerance New Member

    How do you know you're in the queue? I get the queue message with an OK button and it just takes me back to the server selection screen. I don't have a timer, countdown, queue position etc... Is that normal? am I actually in the queue (going on over 1 hour) or am I just sitting at the server select?
  5. NickDanger Elder

    That message means you're in the queue. It is a pretty bare-bones implementation, but on the other hand, they got it done within a day or so.
    Solerance likes this.
  6. Solerance New Member

    Ok, thanks for the response!