question on where to level at 35

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Popas, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Popas New Member

    where are some zones that offer good exp at level 35? I need some advice on getting further in the game
  2. Bethelmanaa Journeyman

    With a tank merc I would go 1 tier ahead on Hot zone list until 50. If that not your thing just follow the Hero's Journey. I used to hit City of Mist at 35 and stay there till 48ish
  3. Yther Augur

  4. Malkavius Augur

    Stove hive is one of the best places at 35-45ish. But there are tons of places to go at that level.
  5. Malkavius Augur

    Err stone hive*
  6. Beechwoodgrey Augur

    Jaggedpine Forest is the lvl 40 hot zone, you should be able to handle the various wanderers there and maybe poachers once you get a few levels. If you're an evil race avoid running through the settlement like I did on my baby ogre. Hail magus between the two guild doors in the lobby and click on Nedaria's Landing. Once you zone in open your map, you'll find JP zone line to the north ( i think ) up over a what seems to be an impassable wall, just keep trying to run up and you will eventually find the right spot, you'll zone into a cave with mobs that won't attack (con first anyways).
  7. Joyeuxx Lorekeeper

    Somewhere around that level, I usually do City of Mist.
    On the topic of "hot zones", I have found they are often over-billed. I suspect it has to do with the base ZEM. So Jagged Pine would be one of those that are over-hyped (imo). ymmv.

    Ultimately, its a journey. The fun is figuring out what works for you.
  8. Bryan Augur

    Depending on class, I really liked burning woods for high 30s (killing roamers) to high 40s (about 25 mobs static spawn near chardok). It's a hot zone with low health mobs in abundance especially once cappable of killing near chardok.

    On multiples pulled or attacked, the last one standing WILL run or gate so if possible fight at or near spawn points. Depending on class that could cause issues.
  9. Borek-VS Augur

    All the above.

    At 35, I'm probably still in Blightfire Moors at one of several camps (undead, NE rats, pumas), maybe at animals in Goru'kar Mesa (probably not). I don't much like Stone Hive, but that's just me. City of Mist is a personal favourite, but at higher levels when I can wander the back wall and the corridors in the walls. The front part of the Hole is a good spot at this level.

    There are good reasons to do the Hero's Journey - for the gear rewards, especially if it coincides with where you would want to be. Hot zones are good for the daily quests (for many of them, that is the only reason to go) - gear rewards and a big exp reward.
  10. doktartp Augur

    undead in the NW of BFM repop fast, decent xp for a few levels. Think I stayed there till 42-46 on most toons depending on what I want after that
  11. Geroblue Augur

    The white rats north side of Blightfire moors, between the north wall of the zone and the volcano in the center. They drop some fine pacreas and other items worth some plat. Good for 28-35th level.
  12. Crystilla Augur

    I've been taking my druid through the Hero's Journey. She just ding'd 50 this week so I've spent a lot of time in Goru'kar Mesa. Personally some of Mesa's quests I've decided I'm skipping because unless you're a porting class, you spend 3x your quest time running back/forth to zones or they require tradeskills. Scout Madu has some good kill tasks you can repeat, but Dorina's Love quest is definitely something that could be skipped I feel.

    Following the journey progression achievement kept me about 1 level higher than the quest series, but also provided gear and some different things to do.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  13. pk76 Augur

    there are some links that could help you.::and welcome to the game :) --->> leveling / farming , ect ---------> 10 slots , 75 % reduction bag... (5k tribute ). ---> for spells check under database / spells & skills / choose the class ect.

    or database / zones / by era / --->> you can pick a zone ( hot zones ect ) , see the level range and how to go there with the connecting zones ect.
    for items / database / items - equipment / or top right at the search window