Question on the ragefire rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Overcast, Jul 27, 2015.

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  1. Overcast New Member

    who is running the rotation and who should i message about getting added to the rotation
  2. Seraphim Augur

    Which guild are you?
  3. Overcast New Member

    The Last Guardian we are a newly formed guild
    Fallfyres likes this.
  4. Abracadabra Augur

    Hey, as per the rules of the rotation you need to kill one of the following three mobs to be added to the rotation:

    1) Lord of Loathing
    2) Dracoliche
    3) Keeper of Souls

    Would you like me to add you to the schedule or do you have any evidence to support any of the kills listed above? When are you available to attempt these mobs, or have you already?
  5. Overcast New Member

  6. BestReleaseNA Augur

    Great. another no name guild that didn't want to put in the work to actually compete can come take mobs. GG dbg. Really, between this and deleting lockjaw, you're doing a great job.
  7. Abracadabra Augur

    Simone likes this.
  8. Overcast New Member

  9. tarquinn21 Elder

    Well considering those are all Toxn bots, I'd say this goes against the "No alt guild" rules.
  10. Abracadabra Augur

    Toxn is no longer a member of Twisted Legacy. He has decided to go on his own as there was no benefit for him to be in our guild.
  11. tarquinn21 Elder

    Not even a few hours into this "rotation" and you are already trying to game the system. You really are a piece of work.
  12. Raelsmar Lorekeeper

    Yeah don't know if TL is trying to be obvious with their trolling attempt or think they can actually fool us into believing this is actually a "new" guild.

    I suspect they are smart enough to know that we would realize this and are just trying to be smart and look for "loopholes" in the new official rotation, which hasn't even been in effect for a day, because the concept of sharing was obviously never bestowed upon them by their parents/caregivers.
  13. Abracadabra Augur

    I'm ensuring all guilds have an equal and fair chance at getting into the rotation. That's all, he can take the CT after it has been rotated through all the other guilds, per outlined in the agreement.
  14. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Rule no 3:Guild attempting to join the rotation must provide 24-72 hours notice of attempt on Gatekeeper and proof of kill
    Rule no 4: No alt guilds until Velious
    Simone likes this.
  15. lalaloup Augur

    Chat bot theatre!

    How . . . expected.
  16. BestReleaseNA Augur

    You expected people to stay in TL? Is that a joke? TL was for people who wanted to raid all the time. If they can't do that, they have no reason to stay in TL. This is the whole reason the rotation is stupid. People who earned the mobs got them. DBG is just trying to redistribute the wealth for no reason at all.
  17. BestReleaseNA Augur

    Why are you even commenting on the rotation? Your scrub guild got what you wanted, kills without competition. You should be happy there was a company stupid enough to give you that.
  18. Abracadabra Augur

    Why does he need to provide notice to killing a gatekeeper mob if he has provided a screenshot?

    He is not a member of Twisted Legacy, what do I need to do to prove that he isnt? Are you out casting all members in my guild from this rotation if they decide to leave? You may want to think long and hard about that one. He will be added to the rotation, as it will not be fair per the agreement supported by Holly and Roshen.

    False Prophecy
    Ceaseless and any other guild that may emerge is welcome to join the rotation.
  19. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    I'm just stating the rules here, don't kill the messenger.
    Simone likes this.
  20. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Why are you?
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