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Question from new Ranger

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Magic, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. Magic Augur

    Hi all!
    Me start a new ranger and lvl 54 now (on Agnarr server, we on Kunark atm), have question how can ranger interrupt casting mob? Me lvling in sebilis if some mob is gating me 99% dead :)
    Im trying to check our spells on allakhazam and cant find any spells with stun..
    Any advice will be cool, maybe later as expansions unlock me be able to interrupt casting mob? Or me can do it now somehow? :)
  2. Brohg Augur

    recruit friends! no ranger tool for that, have to kill monsters where they spawn!
  3. Magic Augur

    Me trying, but some roamers (if gate) is big problem :)
    Maybe some clicky item with stun for us?
  4. Annastasya Augur

    i thought Kick could interrupt spells, but i may be wrong about that. ive leveled up two rangers recently and they put out enough dps that gating mobs hasnt been a huge problem. Healers can be a little more frustrating- kill them first if you can.
    My advice is be sure to load up a few dots on caster mobs (Tolan's Armguard is a free clicky dot) and watch to fire off one or two quick nukes when they get low on health. In many hunting areas i keep up a dispell too, which is quite helpful to slow mobs down if they run by stripping their spirit of wolf or other movement buffs, but also lowers their hitpoints and defense by stripping priest buffs.
  5. Annastasya Augur

    *Tolan's Darkwood Vambraces that is
  6. roth Augur

    If I remember correctly, part of the reason back in the day that some of our proc buffs were high aggro was a 0.0 sec stun. Call of Sky, Call of Fire .. honestly have not looked at those in ages (live has moved on a lot since those days) but if they still have it, you may get lucky enough to get a proc. Its not something reliable, unfortunately - we get zero reliable stuns.
  7. Rokkeb Journeyman

    you can get the weapon aug off city vendors that has a DD+Stun.. it's not reliable but might help. But if you aren't tanking, its going to make the tanks mad cause it's high agro.
  8. Surashu New Member

    Keep in mind that casters will only gate if you pull them too far away from their spawn location.

    You could either try to fight it close to where it spawns, so it will never gate. Or alternatively, pull it very far away, so if it does gate, it will aggro reset because of range, and not train you.
  9. Brohg Augur

    That's level 55+
  10. Magic Augur

    Good news about kick can interrupt casting after 55 :) Its AA or auto granted ability?
  11. torach Journeyman


    Are you killing frogs or shrooms? Depending on level, some of those guys are unstunnable. I agree with another poster. Dispel priest buffs, dot, and nuke nuke nuke when they get low.

    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  12. Magic Augur

    Mostly frogs atm, but after 55-56 will try shrooms too :)
  13. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    You really can only hope and pray for weapon procs to stun them when gate is being cast. You have a better chance buying a lottery ticket :D

    You're an extremely useful class in Sebilis with how little agro Snare has in comparison to when we all played in Kunark (I'm assuming they didn't futz with agro for Progression servers, I really don't know). Snare saves parties one mob at a time! Use that tool to get groups - it offsets the low damage output Rangers have compared to other classes in that era.
  14. svann Augur

    Note at what percent they start casting gate, then save a big attack and use it then. Kill them before they complete the cast. IIRC gate has a decently long cast time.