Question for Chanters in Luclin, PoP, GoD, OOW, beyond.

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Brumski, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Brumski Augur

    I am currenty playing a chanter on Phinny and really enjoy the combo of utility and dps (charming) it offers, in addition to the usual fast group offers (nice when playtime is limited) As Phinny is about to open up to Luclin, I am wondering how they change over the next few expansions.

    I did not play a lot when these expansions were originally new, but I have run across threads saying that charm gets drastically nerfed, chanter desire wanes, etc. It sounded pretty gloomy. I don't want to end up feeling like a 5th wheel buff bot in content that is not charmable or mezable.

    Would you say that chanters maintain their group desirability during these expansions? Are there any spells that drastically change the playstyle? Thanks in advance for any insight from those of you who have experienced the chanter during that timeframe or on TLP's.
  2. Sindaiann Augur

    100% they retain their desirability. The doom and gloom people exist in every class. A lot of the negativity with the charm nerfs revolved around being able to haste a pet. I understood the arguments then and honestly, it wasnt't ground breaking for anyone willing to explore other options.

    You will be fine.