Question about our pet AA's

Discussion in 'Casters' started by EQChanter4Life, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. EQChanter4Life New Member

    Hello folks,

    I read that the pet discipline AA give's you a hold command for your pet, but does that also grant Attack or Stop or any other pet commands? I don't charm since I am boxing mostly but I don't want to load a boon spell just to get pet control.
  2. Blurred_Memories Augur

    hold AND greater hold in fact...

    hold.. pet wont attack if something attacks you...
    greater hold.. pet wont attack if something attacks it..

    what is a boon spell?
  3. EQChanter4Life New Member

    Boon of the Garou, an enchanter spell

    "Transforms your target into a feral werewolf, increasing their attack rating, dexterity, and allowing a chance to perform a life draining "

    This allows me to control my pet while the spell lasts, but I read a AA of ours will give us this ability as well, I was wondering if pet discipline gives enchanter pets the same commands (pet attack, ect) that mages get.

    Anyone know which enchanter AA (if any) gives a enchanter control of it's summoned pet.
  4. EQChanter4Life New Member

    Found my own answer:

    Animation Empathy

    Progressive ranks of this ability grant you finer control over your animations.
    At its initial level, you are allowed to give your animations Guard and Follow commands.
    At the second rank, Attack and Go Away commands. At the final rank,back off, Taunt,
    and Sit commands. You gain the ability to train an additional rank at levels 61, 63,
    and 65.