Question about farming plat.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Tiffy31, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Tiffy31 Elder

    I was wondering when it comes to making plat what method is better? Something like swarm an entire zone and just loot plat and vendor fodder or go camp a specific item, such as a very high AC aug that everyone would want. Obviously SKs would be best at the swarm method but who is best at farming nameds? I dont box but I do have a Mage that I just got to 96. Can Mages farm higher tier zones with just a merc for drops or would another class be better?
  2. Phrett Augur

    If you don't mind waiting a bit for stuff to sell in the bazaar you may try going after some of the rarer (last) items in a collection series... something like, Invisible One from the fear mobs in EW. (that's the first thing to come to mind but several others, etc) If you want instant gratification via vendor trash, try HoT and VoA mobs that you can pull and kill easily/quickly... they drops tons of gems and the like. Killing Alarans in Argath to level up my tear nets me an easy 100K+ per week without putting forth much time or effort.
  3. CrazyLarth Augur

  4. Aanuvane Augur

    That's a neat guide CrazyLarth, but the "Items that sell in the bazaar" section is going to vary server to server. Additionally you have to have some patience/time to run a trader and wait for some of those things to sell.

    If you don't have that kind of patience, one piece of advice I would offer to people needing more plat, before you empty your bags after a regular hunting session, check /bar for what people might be buying at a higher price than what a vendor will give you. An NPC vendor will give you a few cp for mid to high level venoms, but frequently buyers will give you a lot more than that (this is also true of mid-range silks, animal pelts and ores). I will sometimes also check out what people are buying in /bar and then just check the PoK/Bazaar vendors to see if there's anything I can buy from an NPC lower and resell to a buyer for a profit. Granted that approach doesn't net me huge amounts of plat, but sometimes I stumble across a Fresh Meat or Natural Spices on a vendor and can get a nice bit of pp for that. Since I also have a druid, sometimes I'll actually venture out and "vendor dive" in some zones like Brell's Rest, Shard's Landing, Crescent Reach and Feerrott, the Dream when I'm bored.

    Just from hunting though I easily clear several thousand plat for a couple hours hunting without really trying (i.e., focusing on leveling, progressions, quests, etc. rather than obtaining plat).
  5. darkenkal Journeyman

    Mage beam kiting is the way to go. You can pull a whole zone and beam kite them and get 30-50 AA a pull plus all the loot to vendor. Remember humanoids drop plat as well as items to vendor. There are youtube videos showing you how to beam kite a mage with ease.The wizards were nerfed from beam kiting but mages were not, so enjoy the kiting until they do nerf it.
  6. Tiffy31 Elder

    Made 200k so far this week just from camping named in the tier 1 side of Valley and also checking to see if any named are up heading to Grounds for that daily. Guess the best way is to farm items.