Quality of Life Enhancements

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jaera, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Oogabooga Journeyman

    Bag clicks came with VoA. Everyone can use them regardless of membership level and expansions owned now that VoA is free. Well, everyone except the poor chaps on TLP...

    I say let them have it. Big bags too. They pay for gold, throw 'em a bone.

    Extended target window before UF is iffy IMO. When used even slightly past the basic "how many mobs do I have on aggro" mode, they offer quite a bit of flexibility. Used at their full potential, which many players probably don't, they're indispensable.
  2. Jaera Augur

    Extended Target Window *can* be powerful, but does it really give you much power you didn't have before? My contention is that your power gain is close to nil, but your convenience increases substantially.

    ETW does a few major things that could be considered power gains. Let's take three:
    1) Show you the (group/raid) assist's target.
    2) Show you the main tank.
    3) Show you what you have on agro.

    Each of these are already possible through much more convoluted means using socials, UI modifications, and a bit of player capability:
    1) /assist raid (is there /assist group?) will give you the same target.
    2) HOTT on a raid boss will show you the same thing. In a group, its unlikely you're not going to know who the tank is. Neither ETW or HOTT update faster than the other.
    3) Tab targeting will show you exactly the same thing, then you just count.

    None of the functionality provided by the ETW isn't replicated through other means much earlier. The window was added to remove the necessity of doing all the things I did above, but didn't change much about player capabilities. The fact that people were not willing to use any of the basic ways to solve these information gaps is not different than people only using ETW for agro list only.

    Also remember that we'd be getting a slightly neutered version of ETW, as I haven't suggested we also get Eyes Wide Open. I believe the default ETW is 5 slots only, and EWO is locked behind expansions.

    As a side note, one of the reasons I suggested this is that when I talk to serverwide chat channels and try to extoll the virtues of the progression servers, I run into 3 major problems: No mercs (solved in 10 days), gold subscription (which still confuses me as to why its required but okay), and the lack of some basic functionality the game has added in the recent expansion. The latter one I can only shrug and say its tied to a specific expansion that hasn't been unlocked, and invariably the question as been why such a basic change is tied to the server running an expansion, not the user owning it.
  3. taliefer Augur

    i tend to agree, things that were added as convience issues, like bigger bags, should have been available from the start.otherwise why werent we all staring at spell books when the server launched?~
  4. Runemaster New Member

    I agree with the previous sentiment. At this point these servers have the general feel of the modern game. I wouldn't mind seeing convenience features added in prior to the relevant expansion unlock. In fact, if SoE was to do another time-lock progression server in the future, I think its worth putting in a secondary vote starting perhaps in Omens (you can certainly debate whether it ought to be earlier or later, I chose omens because at this point the majority "omgz we want a classic experience" purist crowd has probably been gone a couple of expansions) that would unlock these quality of life enhancements when the next expansion releases.