Pulsing Green Stone for Ranger epic MQable?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by yourolddroog, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. yourolddroog New Member

    Hey all... Xegony player here. I was just wondering if this specific part of the ranger epic is MQable. I'm returning to the game so I'm not even 100% sure MQs still work. I've been camping VS/VSR in Karnor for days now. I killed normal VS and I was waiting around for an hour before and after the 12 hour mark.. then a few hours before and after the 24 hour mark and have yet to see the remains spawn. I was just wondering if I should bother seeking an or if I just have to stick it out and get lucky.
  2. Brohg Augur

    Not so long a wait for that part, I'd stick it out. But the does work.
  3. Kodjak Lorekeeper

    yep, does work like Brohg stated. If ya miss VSR for what ever reason you can give it a go. I did the for my ranger epic about 3 weeks ago. Worked just fine.