Progression Guilds?

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Kokkusho, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Kokkusho Journeyman

    I'm looking for a progression guild preferably starting in Classic era... All the ones out now and PoRo or PoP, unless I missed any, but I've checked the boards thoroughly.

    If not, does anyone want to start one up? Is there enough of a following to get one going?
  2. Deadlyne Elder

    I'd be willing to join if there is enough interest in it.
  3. Protocol Dragon Defender

    I'm not sure there is a big enough following. Consider that at least 4 other progression guilds have formed and died just in the last 3 months.
  4. Geezuz Lorekeeper

    Greetings to both of you. I would HIGHLY recommend what <Philanthrophy> has going on here on the Test Server, its Free Gold Membership, lots of perks like perma +XP etc. Alot of us old players have recently returned to the game ourselves and have started a progression guild there. We are currently recruiting active lvl 1-60 players seeking PROGRESSION starting @ Classic/Kunark. If this interests you or you are looking for an active group your level to run around with lets chat. You can find more information about us here