Problem with Class 5 Arrows?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Overcast451, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. Overcast451 Augur

    Is there some issue with combining class 5 Arrows? I've tried a regular and a planar fetching kits. When I try the combines, it tells me that "You cannot combine these items in this container type".

    I'm sure the recipe is correct as I got it from the 'search' function on the Fletching Kit. I tried a few other combinations for Class 5 arrows and they all seem to do the same.

    Everything else seems to be working properly.

  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I'm moderately confused by what you are purporting to show with your images. The first image of the tradeskill ui shows a recipe you already know, and the other image shows components that are different, so you didn't "get the recipe" from the search function.

    You can verify your components on and search by "class 5" if you like:
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    You can see by the green background which means you have the right components in the first picture.

    But the second one of the items in your planar fletching kit look like the ones from the previous arrows you were working on (the Class 2) specifically the parabolic cut fletchings which are not used in Class 5.

    Hope this helps!
  4. Overcast451 Augur

    Ok - that was correct actually. Manually, I was trying to combine the wrong one. Manually they will combine but they still won't combine via the tradeskill container interface. No message about failure or any other feedback. I know if you don't know the recipe at all you have to manual combine until you get a success - but if it shows up on a search of items - it should combine, yes?

    I made a quick video of it.

  5. Overcast451 Augur

    Yeah, I goofed on the manual combine there. That will work - just not the auto combines for the Class 5 arrows. The class 2 will combine without issues, so did the class 3/4 ones I was working on just prior to these.
  6. Overcast451 Augur

    Odd, after making some other type (class 5 wood hooked) - it suddenly started to work. I figure it was/is a bug. All the same - it's working now! I'm used to doing things wrong, but since I was using the interface on the kit - I figured there was little I could do to mess it up! lol

  7. Qbert Gallifreyan

    It sounds like you might have figured it out, but just in case/for future reference on this bit here . . .

    A recipe will NOT show up in search if you do not know it, period. There are some recipes that you DO know that never show up in search, but those are rare/usually quest-related.

    Conversely, if you see the recipe in your search function, you already know it, there is no need to manually combine that recipe ever.

    Many recipes are known just by virtue of your character existing; others become visible in the search when your skill is high enough, and yet others will appear in the search function after you have scribed a particular book (a certain subset of books will, when opened/read, display a "scribe" button . . . press that, and you learn the associated recipes automatically).
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