Predicted Enc Abilities / Uses at 105

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Lonye, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Ueuill Elder

    This first: I appreciate the time you took to write out a response to my questions, and I think you write well-thought out opinions, and I'm always glad to read your posts.

    Normally, I'd be inclined to defer to your judgment, since you're level 100 and I'm in my seventies. But I'm remembering a time when the class liaison, Unmei (our rep before Florencia) put out the question if we wanted magic focus on our head slot items. I said no, and that he should argue for Chromatic focus instead. And he said that we don't get to argue for anything else. The helms come with magic focus. Do you want it or not? I said no, and Unmei got a little persnickety, and accused me of being stupid and short-sighted. And I said that I like being the only class that gets nothing but Chromatic nukes/DoTs, and I see no reason for us to have magic focus, in light of this fact. I also said that I don't even want to give the Devs the slightest bit of incentive to give us magic again. The Chromatic will land on anything that magic can land on, and more besides.

    Simply put, I like having nothing but Chromatic and I'd like it to stay that way.

    It sounds to me like your issue is not with Chromatic nukes, per se, but with the lack of focus items. Shouldn't you be arguing instead for Chromatic focus instead of magic nukes? In SoF there was a nifty little item we could buy that would turn our wrist items with magic focus into a Chromatic focus item. It was a step in the right direction, but I remember that converter was a little on the pricey side and it seemed a bit unfair to require us to buy something to maximize our benefit of an item, when everyone else was given it for free.

    Just an aside, but I fail to see how giving us Chromatic nukes is supposed to be incentive for us to group. I just looked at them and said, "Wow! Cool!" and continued to charm solo.

    We had our Mezz Mastery nerfed because other classes complained about it? That was petty and idiotic. What advantage could we possibly have with this ability? It's not like we can mezz a mob to death and gain experience that way. If we were using it in some way to solo ourselves into mega experience gains I could understand it. But as far as I can tell is that it's merely an advantage for us in a group. We can keep an infinite number of mobs mezzed while our group kills them one at a time.

    What did they think we were doing? Mezzing them all and nuking them to death individually? That would take a long time and the mana cost would be prohibitive.
  2. Random_Enchanter Augur

    Depends on the group makeup.
    Undoubably if the group has 2 or more of wiz/mage/necros as we also provide our own DPS (See raid group make ups)

    Probably if there is one wiz/mage/necro in the group as it depends on the situation. Parsed the group Burn-Out that I joined three times with only a mage. i did ~ 3/4ths of the mages total DPS in all rounds after completly debuffing all mobs on wave 3 and 4. Complete debuffing is about a 30 second process and consists (for me) of tash, AA slow, Cripple line, Mental Contortion, Dot cripple, and deep sleep procing from statis.

    With only melee in the group? Depends on the melee classes. If there are melee that are going to nuke then it is possible, but unlikly.
  3. Lily Augur

    Our mez mastery was nerfed because the then class liaison was bored clicking just one button over and over, and wanted more challenge. She decided the rest of us did too.
  4. Lonye Augur

    The irony there is that Jordis quotes without realizing the full potential of Enchanters. Enchanters can do more than be buff bots. If you'll look to the left (by pressing ALT + S) you'll see the spell window. Clicking on those spells makes things happen in the game. It's amazing! Enchanters use spells a lot in this game!
  5. Lonye Augur

    I generally find that Named and unmesmerizable mobs. That's why I love POW so much. Especially the named mobs there.
  6. Jordis Augur

    Ueuill, post: 3112421, member: 410719
    Thank you.
    Yeah, well we tried to ask about that then too. Same result as now, other than for a developer that came out and said in public that the class was too powerful because he exploited it himself.

    My issue with the Chromatic "nerf twist" was that it got dropped on us in the same manner that our other nerfs have been done. We got it but no changes in the equipment or available items that we had for the Magic based. Our dps was nerfed and it took quite a few more years to reach the point where we had real benefits from Chromatic spells. We were told outright it was to "encourage" the two classes to group, yet we were the ones that lost out completely on our dps spells.

    As you point out here it did nothing to get enchanters to group that weren't already grouping and wanted to solo only. I'm fine with people doing nothing but charm if that's what they want to do, but there were a lot more of us that were grouping. The charm nerfs, starting with not being able to try and recast it before it broke, did not stop people from charm soloing, it just made it harder for people who grouped to use it effectively on behalf of the group. What I asked earlier, was if they were prepared to do that to get "us" to group, what are they going to do now to get people to group with us?

    Stuns got nerfed because of other classes complaining...particularly the Paladins that got upset when they couldn't stun-lock a particular raid mob, or others for that matter. I don't remember the exact reasons on the aoe, it would probably have been the "real" pet classes complaining because their pets were changed so that they didn't break mez and had to be sent back in. Not a big deal since they were quite happy to dot and aoe the mobs so they couldn't be mez'd and the pets would (will) stay on them.

    I think that the mez nerf was more a matter of the spells being "too effective"b or they broke it and saw no real reason to fix it since so many mobs were flagged non-mezzable, and the aoe not worth bothering with.

    Apparently it's easy to think up ways of making a class less efficient, give them less survivablity, and fewer things to offer across the board than it is to find non-game-breaking improvements.
  7. Jordis Augur

    "Lonye, post: 3112734, member: 407494"]

    You apparently do not read the posts, just come up with statements that have little to do with anything that is being discussed.

    I quite clearly stated that I use Rune of Xolok when necessary, but I do not chain-cast it for obvious reasons. I use the melee-specific runes that we were given and alternate them to avoid getting aggro and to give the tanks additional benefits that keep the aggro on them, and not me or other classes. As good as Xolok is in terms of damage absorption it's not enough even if you do chain cast it when raid bosses are hitting for more than 44k, faster than we can cast Xolok. It helps, but it's not going to help if the tank loses the aggro that he's or she's working to hold with his or her discs. The warrior tank sacrifices dps for those discs to hold aggro and it's just not fair to them to be messing with it.

    Again with the assumptions. I watched them. Very entertaining but with so many contradictions and misinformation mixed in with the information that it's a waste of 15 minutes. So much effort to try and convince us that boxing low level content will show us less enlightened enchanters how to do "runes" on raids, raids etc. Wizard mercs work fine without runes but there's probably no point in explaining what he's doing there to cause the problem.

    Since you like videos, try this and drop down to the Live Feed posting by Bikmer. He runs live feed from our raids occasionally on Twitch.TV.
    From time to time this will be on... Watch us live!
    Watch live video from Bikmer on

    We generally raid Sun-Wed or Thursday from 7:30 PM Eastern to about 11:00 pm. I don't know how he determines when he's going to broadcast, but the last one was during the raid The Fall of Lord Bayle.

    I've decided, however, that it would probably be better all the way around to just put you on ignore rather than spend more time trying to discuss anything when it's clear there's not much point.
    Qest T. Silverclaw and silku like this.
  8. Narye Augur

    Elidroth, as you obviously read these threads (even if you just skim them) how hard is it to reply on an idea, before people love it or hate it, and say wether or not it has promise?

    That way the threads would actually "go somewhere" instead of running amok thru peoples minds.
    Jordis and silku like this.
  9. Vance Vargson Lorekeeper

    Well we were supposed to have a class correspondent to help boil the ideas down to manageable and realistic ones for the devs. Then we could at least get some feedback from the devs via the class rep. That clearly isn't happening now and enchanters are feeling very frustrated that they aren't being listened to.
  10. JordisTheEnc New Member

    He's saying that because they have the hardest trash mobs in the game at the moment. What he's doing is calling you out by challenging you to a "test of strengths."

    You don't bother with PoW anymore? Yeah, that's completely understandable because once you do all the quests / faction / loot, there's not much to do. Especially for an enc. BUT it is a feat to step in and solo / molo.

    I would say that I've seen Dandin's videos and they are quite impressive in terms of his knowledge base about Encs. Kodos to Dandin. Say what server is Dandin from anyway? I used to see his posts left and right but siddenly, they were gone.
  11. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Now, I can understand a player defeating everything in PoWar and deciding to solo there for fun. I can also understand a player getting a lot out of Dandin's videos. What I cannot understand is how they can be the same player, as PoWar is end-game content, and Dandin's videos are aimed at newbies.
  12. Jordis Augur

    Ah. I didnt see this when I replied to Silku.

    As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    Plane of War is a big mess, there's nothing there that I need or want. If you like the zone, more power to you. I just finished the merc/partisan on Argin-Hiz and am having a lot more fun grouping there with people that want some cc. There's some half-way decent stuff there for alts and bots.
  13. Narye Augur

    There are 2 CRT's but organizing enchanters is like trying to herd cats..
  14. Lonye Augur

    Dandin is beginning to live stream at this link

    If you're an enc and want to see how he and I do, come watch.
    I invite you to come watch, Jordis. It's a great learning experience for the new players to the class and high end part of the game. This includes raids / groups / solo.
  15. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I didn't see anything there from him. All I found when I searched for Everquest was some guy back in Kunark mining the vendors for spell research components!

    I couldn't figure out how to fast-forward, so I don't think I'll be using that site. The idea of not being able to fast-forward Dandin's videos is too much to bear.
    silku likes this.
  16. Random_Enchanter Augur

    hey at least you see a link, i got nouthing
  17. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I don't see a link either. When I hit the Reply link, it gave me {media=twitchtv]dandineq[/media] which lead me to google twitchtv and then put in dandineq. When that gave no results, I searched it for Everquest and got a more than decade old video of a guy hitting all the vendors in Freeport looking for spell research components. It was the least interesting video I think I've ever seen.
  18. Lonye Augur

    Dandin is starting live video stream of raiding / soloing / suggestions for EQ and other games.
    - -
    If you're new or want to check out raids on the top end, come watch. It'll start about 5 PM until 10 PM MTN time on most nights!
  19. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    You guys defeated PoWar??? Congratulations!!!
    silku likes this.