Power Corrupts Task (Partisan #3) in Shadow Haven

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Nightops, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. Nightops Augur

    Having a very difficult time getting the 7th (last update for following) update for following Commander Yam. I've tried about 8 different locations without success. I've used the areas marked on Good Maps and EQresources map on the quest walkthrough.

    I've tried with and without lev and other things to get better camera angles.

    The other 6 locations update fairly easily.
  2. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    Use the map mark on goods maps for Start and end in the big North room, not mark #7. Be warned the mark is too close though so be back just a bit.
  3. Allayna Augur

    As adetia mentioned you can use the start point.

    I have an alternative map pack posted on our forums as well as the walk through for all the progression.

  4. Nightops Augur

    Ok, got the update at the location near the starting point.

    Thanks for the replies.
  5. Tane New Member

    Any suggestions for spot #5? Only one thats giving me trouble.
  6. Allayna Augur

    Marked on maps at raguild.org. There’s a rock, you have to stand there waiting for an eternity as the commander takes forever at 5 + 6.
  7. Tane New Member

    Thank you, I was just being impatient!