Possible Lockjaw Tier Progression Thread

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lokomotiva, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Lokomotiva Elder

    Good day, Lockjaw.

    I will be transfering over today to join the good folks at Modest Man, and I couldn't be more excited to join this server.

    The point of this thread is to gauge interest on having a sticky thread made where guilds post progressive kills based on Tiers, which will be voted on by the server as to which raid bosses equal which Tier.

    We did this on Innoruuk and it was a very fun and productive thread, as it allows the community to see exactly where each guild is, as well as links their website to their name in the Tier System.

    How it works:

    -There will be 3 to 5 Raid bosses per Tier. The raid must be comprised of at least 90% of a particular guild for that guild to get credit for the kill. Once said guild kills the majority of the bosses in said Tier; their name will be inserted into that Tier with any other guild(s) that are there. If a guild becomes stagnant and is believed to not the force to stay in their current tier (months without progressing or at least killing bosses in their current tier), they must take out one of the bosses to avoid being dropped down a Tier. This doesn't really kick in until later expansions.

    It sounds like a lot of work, but I will more than gladly keep the thread current. It helps build community as well as it is productive for anyone LFGuild to see where everyone stands, and builds friendly competition amongst us all.

    Any thoughts on this? If no interest, that's fine..I just wanted to offer it up there
  2. Lokomotiva Elder

    P.s. this is a friendly, honor based system. Guilds post what they killed on which day (only if 90% or more in the raid were from said guild) and I update the Tier ranking for everyone to follow.
  3. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    Sounds like a different way of managing a raid rotation... Lockjaw already has a rotation in place, and had a rotation before it was mandated by the Devs... So why exactly do we need to reinvent the wheel?
  4. Lokomotiva Elder

    Has zero to do with raid rotation. This would simply be Tiers based on difficulty of bosses across all expansions (as released) and voted on by everyone in this thread as to which bosses should be considered which tier. All this does is give a list of which guilds killed which bosses, and gives us friendly competition to see what guilds killed what bosses, and when. Not reinventing anything here