Please stop buffing bosses.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Progress, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Aenoan Augur

  2. AgentofChange Augur

    Just use Gamparse - it's just as easy as recount and takes like 10 seconds to install
    Aenoan likes this.
  3. Progress Augur

    I would love to continue to clear NToV come Luclin but with the amount of time it will take to do buffed Luclin bosses it probably won't even be feasible. There are a lot of good points in this thread and I hope that DBG is reading and taking notes.

    The best part of playing on a TLP server (IMO) is gearing your character in each expansion, which is something a lot of us never had a chance to do back when it was originally released. I am not asking for hand outs (we already have those with instances) but if actual boss scripts aren't being changed then lets stop the silliness of jousting or spinning in circles for 30+ minutes. The buff was to stop boxers and pet walls not to test ones ability to joust/c-heal/taunt while watching a full episode of Game of Thrones (can't wait for the season finale!)
  4. EQcleric Elder

    Vox was killable with 20 people in classic gear.... sooo not sure what youre talking about.
  5. Marthis New Member

    Part of the issue, again, is player power is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY out of whack for the most part compared to back in the day.

    Most open world spawns that used to to be a week way back when, now spawn just about every day. Vulak? used to be a week or so. Now every 3ish the weekly kill in an instance all to yourselves.

    Back in the day, even the top tier guilds didn't kill a new end-game-boss first kill with minimal people.

    If guilds are giving up on easy content, that are known fights, with no new mechanics, along with instancing (on phinny) where you can never have to dps race, well, dunno what to tell you.
  6. Progress Augur

    It's more about time commitment. Not only are raid bosses buffed but mobs that used to only need a few people to kill now take 1-2 groups (Drusella, Lodizal, etc). So most of the game revolves around being in a guild; which is fine but make the raid content less time consuming. If you look at live the game isn't about spending a ton of hours on raid content anymore which is not only a result of the current MMO meta but also the EQ player base. Everyone knows the content is doable by just about anyone so there is no reason to lengthen content with buffs.
    Finley likes this.
  7. taliefer Augur

    depends on what you call minimal people. raid size was about 40 to 50 people for the top guilds at the time, not 72. and most definitely not the 90-100+ that was brought to open world targets on a routine basis on these servers, especially for first kills.
  8. Aenoan Augur

    Unless you count forces unknown ;p I remember sitting in Powater that night when they decided to go full super saiyan on coirnav with over 150 members. lol That place was laggy at the zone in!
  9. DryalRmog Augur

    Plane of water , was planes of power, those mobs was first time things got tuned for 72, before that in classic, kunark, vel, Luclin raids did not field 72 people on average.

    After planes of power, raids went back to 9 groups or 54 people in GOD, and pop raids got retuned.

    So the official word in EQ was raids are intended for 54 people for 17 years (minus a 6 month stint in planes of power)
  10. Really Angry Bear Journeyman

    That's a bit of an exaggeration, he didn't unclude anything about doing it on his level 83 beastlord
    Adonhiram and Batbener like this.
  11. PathToEternity

    But do you really want these servers to be just like "back in the day"? Part of the appeal of the TLP system is being able to fix that was broken for 15 years. Back in the day we weren't getting a new expansion every 3-4 months. Back in the day I got home from school at about 3:30 and besides homework I could dedicate the rest of my day to EQ. Also back in the day a lot of people quit EQ for WoW.

    So, maybe not the best business strategy. These raids should have a realistic barrier of entry. Guilds who are going above and beyond (I'm going to put that at 54+ active raiders, but you can use 72+ or whatever fits your fancy) balance that out by having more mouths to feed, so the problem solves itself.
  12. Aenoan Augur

    *shrug* one person tested to prove a point and I did it faster. Not by much but I was all try hard about it. You can't test raid mob buffs anywhere so, thats best you can do.
  13. Batbener Augur

    Solo, with three other people, and mercs.
  14. Vanrau Augur

    Luclin MotM raid mobs are on the test server.
  15. -wycca Augur

    Hate to break it to you, but those two mobs can be killed with 2-3 people no problem. Doesn't even require a crazy group make-up, ie Lodi can be done with a dru, mag, brd for example.
  16. Finley Augur

    Lodi might not be a great example; but is anyone killing Velkator anymore? There is a post about Yelinak being killed with one group right now. Now I know that post was meant to showcase exploitation; but what it shows to me is that no guild on this server believes Yelinak is worth the time investment, otherwise they'd come in and take it from the exploiters. MoTM should not be a one size fits all tool based on era. It's fine at the very top; but at the bottom tiers of progression it is making mobs too difficult.

    Presumably we'll be done with MOTM after Luclin (though I guess none of us thought Luclin was going to get MOTM either). So this isn't an argument for change on Phinigel, Ragefire, or Lockjaw, but rather an argument for change on any future TLPs. If it is possible please go back and fine tune MOTM because it completely destroys some content.
  17. EQcleric Elder

    Yelinak wasn't killed with one group. They left at 98% which is why the ss's stop there. If your guild isn't still killing yelinak, you're doing something wrong.

    And OGC still kills velk. I need my necro bracer :(
  18. Progress Augur

    Yes, but Lodi used to be soloable by a shaman and Drusella was soloable by chanters/necros. It wasn't considered overpowered and it was just one of the "perks" of those classes. But you reinforced one of my points being, why unnecessarily buff mobs if they are still easily killed but just take more time time time.
    Aenoan likes this.
  19. Lifetap Augur

    Not so true.
    Drusella was doable in era with 4 players(Monk, Cleric, Shaman, Necro) and Lodizal is doable with 2 players(Shaman, Necro)
  20. Finley Augur

    I personally think the duration these targets are left up without being killed on a progression server only a few weeks into this expansion is an indication that the effort versus reward is mismatched. Vulak, AoW, etc are all killed in a timely manner in open world because the effort matches the reward. The lower tier mobs could use some retuning. In my opinion a one size fits all MoTM buff based on the era a mob is in doesn't work well.

    There is evidence of this if you think Ruins of Kunark should still be relevant as well (which is was to players back in 2001). Players aren't killing Venril, Gore, Talendor, etc (weren't killing Trak till the recent change which made his reward match his effort!). If MOTM was tuned down on these mobs people would kill them again.
    Progress likes this.
  21. EQcleric Elder

    Yelinak can EASILY be killed with 30 people. How much retuning should that need. We 3 split him the other day and did it with 19...