Please remove Underfoot expansion from Vulak Aerr. It was not supposed to even go to a vote.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Kukgrol, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Kukgrol Elder

    Incredibly, Underfoot went live today on Vulak Aerr. This progression server has not done any SoD raids. The servers are supposed to require beating the current content before the barrier message, signifying a waiting period for the server population to vote to release the next expansion.

    We never had anyone on Vulak even attempt an SoD raid. We never received a barrier message.

    Yet somehow today, Underfoot went live.

    If you check the log, you'll see virtually (if not no one at all) no one voted to release this expansion on our server, since we had no reason to look for a vote, and no notice about it.