Please re-do the unlock expansion poll at LEAST!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Master Kahleem, May 8, 2015.

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  1. Master Kahleem Augur

    It was very clear from the start that you guys skewed the poll results heavily. On purpose or not the result is still the same. Yes, yes, i know this topic is a "Raging Fire", haha puns!, but it is VERY important for the beginning life of the new TLP!

    "But how did it get skewed??" ~ Random person

    Glad you asked! The reason it got so heavily messed up is due to two reasons. The first is that the poll results were given to normal live players that normally don't even care or aren't even the intended audience. So random comers that did not experience TLP 1.0 or 2.0 in the past got a chance to choose. The second is because of how they presented the poll options themselves. They, in essence, divided the people who want the same thing (essentially) into two different poll options thereby allowing classic to easily beat them. This was done for MANY different poll options that have similar styles. Below we'll use the "Expansion Unlock Poll" as an example!

    Example Poll:
    -Do you want Cake? = 41%
    -Do you want chocolate icecream? = 31%
    -Do you want vanilla icecream? = 28%

    Actual poll results:
    People who want cake: 41%
    People who want SOME form of icecream: 59%

    It is VERY clear that the "majority" want SOME form of icecream, but just can't decide between the two. Therefore, TWO polls are required to filter down the options.

    Make sense :3?

    This is how the poll was conducted, and it needs to be redone into two separate polls! (second poll applicable only IF classic does not win):

    Classic Only <==="Cake"
    Classic, Kunark, and Velious <===="Chocolate"
    Classic and Kunark <===="Vanilla"

    Although they did not post the numbers for the non-classic options. It would be NICE to see them.

    Seriously, people are forgetting how horrible it was to play post lvl 30. Everything was camped with 4++ hour queues to get into a group just to level. The errors of the past are clear, do NOT release with classic only!

    Of all the poll options that were done incorrectly this is the MOST critical one.

    Thanks for reading!

    ps: I'd really like to see some proactive decisions from DBG rather than running into the inevitable scenario where everyone and their mother are demanding a poll to open kunark early after only a month or two. It'll get BAD.
  2. Darth Augur

    Bro, I want more than classic just as well as anyone, but coming here and lying isn't the way to do it.

    Initial Unlocked Expansions

    This was a closer one, but ultimately Classic Only was the clear majority, even over a combination of options 2 and 3. We were surprised to see the "Trilogy" ahead of Classic + Kunark.

    1. Classic Only
    2. Classic, Kunark, and Velious
    3. Classic and Kunark
    So while it's obvious that most people who are interested want this server to start at Classic, we also have evidence that a bunch of you are open to mixing things up a little sometime in the future.

    You see right there, clearly states that CLASSIC only beat both other options combined. Stop beating a dead horse, just enjoy Ragefist like the rest of us.

    Roshen please lock this topic, it's a dead horse, and has many other places he/she can contribute, I personally believe at this juncture rehashing the same stuff is not helping the community. We need to move forward and look to the future health and stability of the server.
  3. Tornat Augur

    "Seriously, people are forgetting how horrible it was to play post lvl 30. Everything was camped with 4++ hour queues to get into a group just to level. The errors of the past are clear, do NOT release with classic only!"

    This reason here is why i never played on a progression server before , all ive ever herd is it ends up trains , camp stealing , ect because of the lack of camps. at lest with Kurnark out it what triples the dungeons? and doesn't devalue anything from classic? When someone always said classic everquest I and many others always took that as orignal , Kurnark and Velious.

    Anyways i agree 100% with the OP a vote should be redone for the reason they explained
  4. Adreus Lorekeeper

    "This was a closer one, but ultimately Classic Only was the clear majority, even over a combination of options 2 and 3. We were surprised to see the "Trilogy" ahead of Classic + Kunark."

    Quoted from the poll results thread. Classic beat both other votes combined. Also, it's not like people who didn't play on the last TLP just voted for classic. Heck, I played on the last one and I still voted for classic this time around. Just because your choice didn't win it doesn't mean something something was wrong with the poll or the results were skewed, it just means that more people want to start with classic.
  5. Hateseeker Augur

    It is a dead horse, but no one is lying, there's definite reason to believe the poll results were skewed by Live players with no intention of playing. It doesn't matter how many times people quote their announcement, there has been no logical counterargument against the poll being skewed, and continuing to quote their statements doesn't make it more or less proven/disproven. They really need to hire professional poll companies to help out with these things.
  6. Darth Augur

    He specifically said options 2 and 3 were higher than option 1. This is not true. Was the vote done half-asssed? Of course it was. But, the fact is 2 and 3 didn't beat 1. If that poll was available on the beta or through a pod maybe it would have been different but 2 and 3 did not beat 1, even combined.
  7. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    And, why shouldn't EVERY player get an opportunity to vote? They will get an opportunity (if they subscribe) to play.Why does YOUR opinion matter more than mine? I didn't participate in TLP 2.0 due to real life intervening, but I would have if I had been given the time. Doesn't make my opinions on the poll questions any less relevant.
    Brelar likes this.
  8. Master Kahleem Augur

    I actually just reread it 3 different times and finally saw it was "combined", but i'm still angry about how half- it was done :(. I'm so depressed about it being classic "only". It's very clear if you ever played on the older TLP servers that classic only is NOT acceptable content distribution wise.

  9. Brelar Journeyman

    Is it that hard to understand that people may want 6 months of classic? Where is this evidence of a live conspiracy anyway?
  10. Hateseeker Augur

    It might have been if they were deploying 2-3 servers at least. I get it that a lot of people want a Classic only period, but what about the people who want a thinner population density that's more like what you could have expected in 1999? They are not being represented except in the newbie zone instancing, which only helps in a very small part of the game.
  11. Vaclav Augur

    And to add to what others have already said - they've stated that they may revisit the vote on the server only in a few months if the server seems to need it (i.e. too much drama and/or population starts to slump) - they already have a potential to allow an adjustment pitched.

    To expect anything different right now, pre-launch is silly. I'm disappointed as well, but I'm sucking it up and dealing with it. [Probably more disappointed than most, did anything I wanted to help improve things actually happen? Besides newbie yard instancing at least which gives a little hope if it's expanded to "real XP content"]
  12. Tornat Augur

    it's hard to understand any of it because they hid the polls
  13. Ltldogg Augur

    Sounds like you are just mad that YOU didn't get YOUR way.
  14. Vaclav Augur

    I'm sure there's some people that THINK they do - would the majority actually want that once they actually go through things for a month and realize they're capped out and content is ridiculously contested? Probably not.

    There's no requirement for being knowledgeable or thinking things through to voting. So just like you'll get people voting in RL politics against something because of something they think they understand but don't (see Jay Leno and Howard Stern on the street segments for some ludicrous examples of misinformed people) - you'll have a certain portion of people that just vote with their gut first and brain second.

    And just like IRL how "dumb voters" frustrate those that are intellectual - the same occurs in votes like this.

    Also for evidence of the "Live conspiracy" the search function for post text sucks here - but there was more than a few people posting in the announcement threads that claimed to be Live players and said things like "What would be the options that the TLP people would like least so that we can try to make sure Daybreak never wastes time on garbage like the TLP again?" (paraphrased from around 2 month old memories, but not by too much I'm sure)

    It's possible they were only a super small fraction of the Live population that did such, but they did exist. (And compulsory voting as EQ1 polling ends up being usually gets pretty lousy results - search John Oliver on Brazil's elections for a hilarious Youtube of what it does over there if you're OK with NSFW stuff)
    Ckador and Hateseeker like this.
  15. MBear Augur

    There seems to be two pretty different schools of thought. I really hope they have something in mind for a second server that will relieve some of the pressure on Ragefire and offer an alternative ruleset. I think they might keep something like that quiet until they see what the initial demand looks like for this server and how many people actually decide to play.
    Probably just a pipe dream.
  16. Ltldogg Augur

    Also, to be clear, I want you to get your way also. I would love for everyone to get their way and at least get more server options. But, not everyone will get what they want and that doesn't make the poll results invalid.
  17. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    This ended up not working so well with Fippy/Vulak, at least opening a second server to offset the larger than expected population. This is my guess as to why they are really looking at stress tests in zones, make sure newbie areas create instances to accommodate the population, and that the boats work when arriving in an area with more than one instance. If they can get this all to work fairly seamlessly, there will be no need for a second server. And, if we only have one server, there won't be calls for a merger two months down the road.
  18. Roshen Brand Manager

    Sure thing! If anyone wants to talk about the last poll feel free to do it in ANY of the other threads about the last poll.

    It was more than 50% vote for cake, and about evenly divided between flavors of ice cream.
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