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Please move the "Reset UI to Default" button

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Samueru, May 20, 2022.

  1. Samueru Journeyman

    It's a minor issue, but after posting this on Discord and getting some feedback there, I decided to leave this here.

    Some of us have, one or twice or more, accidently clicked Reset UI to Default before managing to click Enter World.

    Please like this thread if you've felt the pain.

    Angahran, Windance, Nennius and 15 others like this.
  2. Annastasya Augur

    There are more than a couple UI buttons that have a very suspect positioning. Buy a Krono perhaps? We'll just SORROUND that button with everything you usually push.

    While we are at it, every time i resize a window on the first try i feel like a speedrunner performing multiple pixel perfect single frame tricks. And it is super rare, trust me.
  3. CatsPaws Augur

    My issue is with the "Upgrade Character" Near that Krono button.

    Krono I can pass off to an alt and bring it back when I need it to keep from spending it. But the Upgrade will eat 1 of the free 5 Heroics I have left on that account.

    My main is max level - I have no wish to "Upgrade" him to the level 85 Heroic which would only give him some plat.

    But at least they took away that gosh darn in your face "time remaining" on your account!! Yeah, that was intrusive. (Insert sarcasm here)
    blood & gufts, Wulfhere and Yinla like this.
  4. Khat_Nip Meow

    You could always edit the EQUI_CharacterListWnd.xml and modify the "Reset UI to Default" entirely.

    The relevant code in that file is:
    <Button item="CLW_ResetUICheckbox">
    <Text>Reset UI to Default</Text>
    <TooltipReference>Check this box to reset the UI to default upon login.</TooltipReference>
    <Screen item = "CLW_ButtonsScreen">
    /The EQUI_CharacterListWnd.xml file is in the \uifiles\default directory so in order for the changes to persist each time you log in you'd have to initially place your modified version in another directory under \uifiles and point to that or place it in an existing non-default directory that you already use.
    Nennius likes this.
  5. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Or they could just add a warning window if you have it checked and try to enter the game. "Are you sure you wish to reset your UI to the default settings?" or something like that.
    Vumad and Syylke_EMarr like this.
  6. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Never use the Enter World button. Use Return or Enter keys instead.
    Tatanka likes this.
  7. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    No, you can't do this. Custom UIs aren't loaded until after you enter the world. The only way to get it to work is to modify the file in \uifiles\default and then bypass the patcher.
    Angahran and Khat_Nip like this.
  8. Warpeace Augur

    Those two options should never be around the Enter World button.
    Vumad and Yinla like this.
  9. Bigstomp Augur

    Seems a sane place to put it if your custom UI may be blowing things up.
    Just reset your UI after you log in after you did an oops and hit the button?

    Makes sense, but not sure where it would sanely be moved to where someone else would not click it by mistake.

    Although it does take 2 clicks to check the button and then zone in. It takes only 1 click to zone in without changes if you didn't miss click.
  10. Dre. Altoholic

    The absolute worst thing I accidentally click all the time is the title bar.

    WTB fullwindow borderless.

    Inb4 "just play fullscreen" because I don't need to reset my graphics adapter every 1.5 seconds.
  11. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    This is probably the best option. I know I've accidentally reset a character's UI with this button before :(
  12. TheStugots Augur

    Or just pay attention and click the correct button?
  13. Aanuvane Augur

    If you won't move the button, can you please reduce the area that reacts to the click? I don't click anywhere near the checkbox, I'm clicking right under the "d" of Enter World and that stupid check box is getting enabled. Once I realize I missed it - I click again a few mm higher right away and don't/can't react to unchecking the stupid box.
  14. Iven Suggestions Bard

    There should be also a mute button for toggling the sound and music on and off in one of the remaining left corners.