Please fix Chardok King Pulls

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Idget, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. Idget Lorekeeper


    Please put something in place so the King can not be pulled to the zone in. I have been at the GY camp 3 times now and somehow get trained by people pulling the King to the zone in. somehow if the person pulling FD's any mobs near us they agro the charmed pets.
  2. MMOer Augur

    I think they might be faction pulling. I do not really see how they could fix this unless they put a very tight leashing on the King Queen and Prince. Make it so they cant get past the GY or something or the leash back.
  3. TLP Addict Augur

    Had some bozo yesterday inform us at GY that he was pulling king through as if that made it ok, failed to get king and instead just dumped a bunch of trash on us, causing some deaths, an evac and group break up.

    Plenty of screenshots were included in the ticket, hopefully he get's some time out to reconsider his life choices.
  4. Servers_are_Down Error 404: Server status not found.

    Name & Shame! lol
  5. Brazy Augur

    They need to fix FTE. The fact you can get trained defeats one of the best parts of having FTE on the server. It was great until the last update hopefully this next one fixes the issue with trains aggroing charmed pets.
  6. TLP Addict Augur

    Have been trained both intentionally and unintentionally in Chardok on numerous occasions, one Necro was traing all the named PH's in a wide area around the bridge onto the group there, probably with the intention of sniping the named when it did spawn. Haven't seen that dude on for more than a week though so he may be on extended vacation.
  7. Kraked Augur

    King/Queen both already has a relatively short leash range.
    FTE is my only guess as to why this would be an issue.
  8. TLP Addict Augur

    Easily solution that has been implemented on previous occasions to fix issues like this.

    Have them DT if you pull them out of the castle.
    Rijacki and Xhartor like this.