Plat Cap in Baz

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by MrBadWolf, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Millianna Augur

    This thread is asking to consume major dev time fix a manufactured problem. If you cannot figure out why I am posting, I do not know what to say.
  2. Siddar Augur

    I don't people have suggest various solutions some would be complex suck as raise the bazzar cap. Other would be relatively easy such as provide merchant with item to sell. Then you have the middle course of make new casino.

    Then we have your astronomically more complex idea of increasing level cap five level. I find it rather amusing that you consider your proposal as some how not being the most costly in regards to time, dev resource, money to implement.
  3. Millianna Augur

    If it was soo easy and worthwhile, why isn't it in the works? Why can't use the social channels to sell and trade rare items? Being able to go offline/afk is just an excuse.

    You want to fix something that isn't broken. The end result will be more broken.
    fransisco likes this.
  4. fransisco Augur

    Millianna is correct.
    The real problem will be letting people with 10s of millions of plat be able to use it.
    That creates HUGE problems for the normal player who isn't rich.
  5. Goranothos Augur

    Yes, heaven forbid that players be able to use EQ money in EQ. Hey, I have an idea! How about we take all the plat in all the EQ accounts and distribute it evenly between all EQ accounts? Da, Comrade?
  6. fransisco Augur

    Right now, if you have tons of plat, you can buy whatever is there that you want.
    Thats great, as it should be.
    Adding huge plat sinks means those with tons of plat can gain whatever those sinks offer. And we all know that any advantage for players in the game has content tuned around it.
    Which means (pay attention here Goranothos) those who cannot afford the new plat sinks are at a disadvantage, because of the pay to win element.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Thrillho like this.
  7. Goranothos Augur

    So what? Are you one of those people who thinks it's "unfair" that someone has more real life money than you do? EQ is a game with an economy. It has various forms of "money" that can be traded for goods and services, and yes, those with more of it have an advantage. Otherwise, why bother?
  8. Bard_Bard Journeyman

    I doubt he or anybody who feels this way feels it is unfair. However if you think about it you are saying you would not mind a pay to play type model. Everquest was never and should never be turned into that type of game. You want that there are plenty of mmorpgs out there that use that set up where you can swing around your how large is my wallet .
  9. Siddar Augur

    You're missing the fact that people with large sums of platinum have already cashed out into krono already. Krono benefit from the inflation of platinum and can turned around into platinum at a moments notice. What is the benefit of holding platinum in the current environment? In fact I think most large platinum holder have already cashed out into krono. It's one of the reasons the prices of krono have gone up.
  10. fransisco Augur

    The benefit of having lots of plat is you can buy what you want.
    Anything else added in is only giving extra benefit to those with tons of plat. Which makes the game pay to win.
  11. Siddar Augur

    Krono provide the same benefit plus additional ones on paying a monthly subscription and being immune to the constant devaluation of platinum.

    Oh I forgot to add cross server nature krono if you own billion platinum on a server you own billion platinum on server. But billion platinum in krono is like holding billion platinum on all server.

    Then you cross over to other daybreak games and kromo can provide benefits there as well.
  12. Goranothos Augur

    Say what? EQ has always been "pay to play". I pay $30 a month to play my two all access accounts. Not sure what your point is....?

    I'm on FV. If I wanted to I could buy Krono from Daybreak, sell it for millions of plat and gear myself up with much better stuff than I have now. Believe me, I have enough money to do just that. However, if you click on my Magelo, you will see that I'm mostly rocking three or four year old group gear. Not sure what you guys are afraid of.
  13. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    LOL this isnt RL this is a game. No one said it is unfair to have more money they said it is unfair to design the game around the few who uber amounts of money.

    And yes it is a game economy that was never designed for a 17-18 year economy.

    And I agree why bother complaining about having nothing to spend your uber millions/billions of plat when you knew there was nothing to spend it on before you made that much.
  14. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    if everyone in the game gave me all their plat, this problem would be solved. you're welcome
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Not that guy on the other thread with 70 accounts who said he has billions of plat. In fact the reason he wants the bazaar price increased is so he can buy more plat. So you could argue increasing the sell limit in bazaar would actually allow the very rich to switch to krono.

    Heck one of the major reasons in the other thread for krono scarcity was supposedly that no one will sell them for 2 million or less.

    And I doubt there was ever enough krono for sale in the game market to allow all those people to cash out. Not even when the duping thing happened since prices were much lower then.
  16. Goranothos Augur

    You usually make some modicum of sense, but not this time. EQ is not designed around players who have "uber amounts of money". If anything, EQ is designed to cater to players who have lots of free time.

    The OP was pointing out that the plat cap in the bazaar needs to be increased. I agree. Like you said, the game economy is 17+ years old. It is not at all unusual for players to have millions of plat these days. I think I have something like 3 million myself, and I haven't even bothered to look for baz upgrades in months. Too busy AAing with my limited game time.
  17. Bamkan Augur

    This is the most absurb thing I think I have heard.

    Why are people apparently not allowed to sell these rare items in the /baz, like everyone else can.

    If the /baz plat cap was say 100pp.....Would you still be saying "there's no problem, just use the social channels to sell".

    Just because *you* might not use/buy/sell items above the current /baz cap doesn't mean that other people wont.
    Goranothos likes this.
  18. Siddar Augur

    I could speculate on source of on the source of his platinum but it would be against the rules to do so.
  19. Goranothos Augur

    "Pay to win" is just a buzzphrase that people use to try to shut down honest discussion. Nobody can "pay to win" EQ. The very idea is absurd. EQ is a constantly evolving game world with no real end (until they shut down all the servers). Hence, the name "Everquest".
  20. fransisco Augur

    Pay to win is more than a buzz phrase, its a basic game design.

    FV is pay to win Goranothos.
    Every other server is not.
    You're saying every server should be like FV where if you have the money you should have it.
    Most all players do not want pay to win, otherwise they would be on FV.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.