Plane of Nightmares Instance

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Barudin_Phinigel, Jan 24, 2017.

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  1. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    So no Hedge Trial in instance. Is this intentional or a bug?
  2. LessPlay Journeyman

    Working as intended
    Nagafen and PoP aren't for the casuals
  3. MabbuPhinny Augur

    Can't wait to see afks in all 3 Hedges mazes blocking the entire server from all progression!

    Well done!
    aLostBoy and Sumonerr_Tunare like this.
  4. taliefer Augur

    Before we get all pitchforky has anyone confirmed this is the case?
  5. Cainen Augur

    He should spawn in picks, so it would take a ton of people coordinating afks to block the server. /shrug i don't think this will be an issue personally. I also don't think storms will be bad after the first week or so, but I know that's an unpopular opinion.
  6. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

  7. Catashe Augur

    Except people can grief the server FAR FAR easier then the storm giants.. and while 2 or 3 mazes can be done at a time it does have like a hour or so cooldown before you can get another maze after the first 3 are used. Not to mention the people who "fail" to get all their groups in their maze... =\
  8. Marek-EQ Lorekeeper

    Was this in any notes anywhere? This is idiotic as this should be considered raid content. What's the point of a PoN DZ if we cant complete the Hedge Maze? Terris Thule has her own separate DZ.
  9. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    crazy to think, but it seems like the more information that gets posted, the more the community gets outraged about things.
    Maybe we should move all our discussion to a site that isn't moderated by DBG?
  10. Dilf Augur

    EQ's reddit sub usage is basically 99% about Phinny.
  11. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Not bad.

    We're just missing PoJ justices not being in the instances anymore. Gryme in disease too. You know, the grouppable progression stuff.

    Probably should pull all the group nameds and zone trash from the instances while we're on that train. It'd be... a shame if people used instances for anything other than the raid pixels.
  12. khysanth Journeyman


    Who is in charge of these decisions?? Honestly, it's like they were told to do the exact opposite of what makes sense with PoS and now PoN.
  13. Zanados Lorekeeper

    Quite honestly, this feels retaliatory to me due to the amount of issue we have raised when it comes to Plane of Storms.

    Every single issue we have raised regarding bottlenecks in Planes of Power, the devs have done something to make it harder to flag in the instances.
  14. Ryak Augur

    In all seriousness, I think it is vindictive punishment against the community daring to complain about stuff they don't like.

    Up next: Announcement that Dragons of Norrath is also being bundled with GoD and Omens? :rolleyes:
  15. Machen New Member

    Go big or go home. It's ALL being bundled with GoD and Omens. Phinigel will be a live server shortly. Oh, but here's our shiny new server that won't bundle anything!
  16. AgentofChange Augur

    DBG heard our complaints about Storms and said Ha! I know the perfect solution. Let us block MORE content!
  17. Guizhou New Member

    At this point, it almost seems like they are actively trying to lose subscriptions. What's the endgame, DBG?
  18. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    This is getting a bit silly. I'd love to have a representative from Daybreak explain how these changes help the players or fit in with the spirit of the Phinigel server? Is this how you think the original developers intended it? If that is what is guiding you, please realize that was 15 years ago and things are different now. You should be guided by whatever is going to keep your players happy and keeping subscription revenue so you can keep offering this game to people to play. Period.

    This change could reasonably be interpreted as a retaliation for opinions and comments made about another manufactured bottleneck in PoStorms. I really hope this is not the case.

    If there is a reason we need to have more bottlenecks in the game, then please explain it to the Phinigel community. Without any explanation it just seems punitive and petty.
  19. Ryak Augur

    Although, we already have evidence they aren't even bothering to read these forums anymore. They finally deleted my "conspiracy theory" post like 2 days after I posted it, to the point where I actually thought they didn't mind it being there for some reason, but obviously they just didn't see it until then, even though it was one of the most prominent threads here.
  20. Xoner Baby Joesph Sayer

    Borune likes this.
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