Piggybacking in the

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ofearl, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Seriously, this needs fixed as its dumb and all at the same time!

    Trying to get unflagged toons in, say ket word, get ported to the other side of the zone. Makes sense, EverQuest... EverRun across places with all the things.

    How about, if you cant zone in due to # of flags needed, its just says sorry please wait.

    Oh yeah, Old Man McKenzie missions still getting no love in patch.

    Or evict buttons...
  2. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    If you want the devs to fix it, you need to be more specific I guess...

    What raids are you talking about, which zones, etc...
  3. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    They wont fix it.

    Example is Raids given in OverThere when bounced you end up at the Frountier Mountain zone line. To include the 12 man VP mission. Chardok raid in Scoreched Woods will bounce you to the Lceanium zone line. That crap is annoying, just re write to code to not bounce you across the zone.

  4. Funk Augur

    Instead of putting stupid multi word hashtags demanding changes that aren't needed just do SIMPLE MATH and determine if you have enough flagged people in zone already to allow a piggyback. Then you won't get punted and freak out.
    Genoane likes this.
  5. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

  6. Bigstomp Augur

    Tolzol likes this.
  7. Intenso Augur

    /rewind ftw
  8. Intenso Augur

    /rewind also work when you get banished on raid events lol ;p intended?
  9. Allayna Augur

    Sounds like a ban-able exploit!
  10. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Holy cow, a real Sherlock Holmes.... #againgobacktotlp
  11. Sissruukk Rogue One

    You know...unless you are inviting a lot of unguilded unflagged people into the raid, you could just have them sit in the guild hall and wait for the guild banner to drop, then have them go in that way. Other than that, not much I can offer you here, other than make sure you get the required amount of keyed people in before you tell the unkeyed to start.
  12. Monkman Augur

    We run open raids on Xegony. Almost done flagging for t2 but yeah forcing players to sit outside while 30 of us do Prince kinda blows. It is what it is tho.
  13. Shadows Journeyman

    Angry hashtags aside, the unflagged should not be getting punted across entire zones.

    You can see this all the way back to the Temple of Veeshan. Try clicking into that zone if you're under Level 46... It's an instant port back to the Siren's Grotto zone line.

    If you're going to report it, then you need to detail the circumstances... What zone? What NPC? What mission or raid? What /loc are you being ported to? Where should you be ported to instead, if anywhere?
  14. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It should just follow the same mechanic as not having the dz. Give the message that there are too many unflagged in zone, and leave you where you are.