Fixed Internally Pick closing - massive spam

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Xyroff-cazic., Dec 18, 2019.

  1. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    I've had this happen a few times in the last couple years. Happened again last night. This is a pick of Grieg's End closing due to load balancing on Mangler server:

    12/18/19 03:42:14 AM This zone will shut down in 15 minutes! Please zone elsewhere or use /pickzone. Player corpses will appear in the main zone.
    12/18/19 03:42:15 AM This zone will shut down in 15 minutes! Please zone elsewhere or use /pickzone. Player corpses will appear in the main zone.
    12/18/19 03:42:17 AM This zone will shut down in 15 minutes! Please zone elsewhere or use /pickzone. Player corpses will appear in the main zone.
    12/18/19 03:42:18 AM This zone will shut down in 15 minutes! Please zone elsewhere or use /pickzone. Player corpses will appear in the main zone.
    12/18/19 03:42:18 AM This zone will shut down in 15 minutes! Please zone elsewhere or use /pickzone. Player corpses will appear in the main zone.
    12/18/19 03:42:19 AM This zone will shut down in 15 minutes! Please zone elsewhere or use /pickzone. Player corpses will appear in the main zone.

    .... I'll spare you the rest of the spam, but EQ did not have that same mercy on my group. This spam went on about once per second for almost 22 consecutive minutes. It fired this mesage once per second 1,309 times in a row. The actual timer for the pick closing seems to have not started until the barrage of spam ended. We stayed in zone for over 30 minutes from the time of the first message. Ended up having to filter out these messages (and disable my GINA alert, lol).

    It's an uncommon bug in my experience, but could use a fix!
    niente likes this.
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Might be people zoning into the main pick, restarting the timer.
  3. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Could be a possible factor I suppose. There's a separate message for that already though that seems to work properly:

    11/29/19 01:32:36 PM Due to increased population in the other instances of the zone, this zone is now unlocked and accessible by /pickzone.

    Didn't see that message at all during this pick closure. Even if the timer is resetting due to increased population, it shouldn't fire the message over 1,300 times in a row like this.