Phinny PoH/PoS DZ Question

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bromm, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Bromm Lorekeeper

    Can anyone confirm what I recall reading in these forums that the Agent of Change for PoH is bugged and non-existent, therefore preventing a DZ of this zone?

    Can anyone confirm again what I recall reading in these forums that PoS DZ's are bugged in that the mobs hit harder and have more hp than intended?

    Has any of this been fixed yet if ever true at all?

    Guild Leader of Mendacium, a Phinigel raiding guild
  2. Progress Augur

    PoH - no instanced version available
    PoS - mobs/bosses are the first revamped version = Queen Bee hitting like a truck
  3. Dizdemona Lorekeeper

    Phinigel is the place to be. Lots of people of all levels. Unrest, guk, sol, all have more than enough players to spawn multiple instances.
  4. Vaclav Augur

    Technically there is a PoH Agent though - in SRo - it just doesn't function. (althoughp perhaps they removed it in the meantime since its nonfunctional)
  5. Bromm Lorekeeper

    Thanks to all for the quick replies. What about the first 1 to 3 isles in PoS? Any noticeable difference? Is it prohibitive for a 4 group raid consisting of skilled players not yet equipped with dragon/god gear?
  6. Vaclav Augur

    Predragons? Seems difficult but not impossible, isle 2 boss would be the real test.
  7. Bromm Lorekeeper

    Sounds fun =) Thanks Vaclav
  8. PathToEternity

    You shouldn't have any/too much trouble through 3, but unless you have a ton of DPS Gorgalask is going to be a long fight, so plan accordingly with healing.
  9. Bromm Lorekeeper

    Noted also. Thank you Erasmus!
  10. Vaclav Augur

    And honestly - if you can kill Gorgalosk, definitely do the trash on 4 as long as you have CC - the boss is a big step up that I think would be a roadblock in the current instanced form (even the uninstanced due to DT it can be rough with low numbers) but 4 is the best place to farm the actual dropped items from Sky - since not completing Sky you won't be able to complete many of the quests - the Isle 4 trash should really be your goal.
  11. -wycca Augur

    We've done instance Gorg with like mid 20's, its a long fight.