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[Phinigel] Gnome Memorial Mountain Loot

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jaera, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. Jaera Augur

    Now that Phinigel has arrived at Veil of Alaris, a couple of people have taken stabs at the downscaled level 95 heroic adventures in GMM and they're not too bad. The only real problem I have with it is the loot is all 110 required. Even the fairly nice chunk of XP we get is offset by the fact that the trash mobs have twice the health of VoA trash, even if they don't hit much harder.

    Any chance of getting either era-appropriate random drops ala COTF HAs or having these items required level lowered to 95 with recommended at 110?
  2. Seddens New Member

    congrats at most likely just getting it pulled
  3. Rogue001 Lorekeeper

    ....no, now delete this
  4. Jaera Augur

    Aww, how cute, people complaining about a legitimate question that might get their poor little loot taken away that they should have no access to when the HA should have a legitimate purpose other than XP since its a slog of a zone. Why not go back to VG kiting every open zone in VoA so you get that removed from everyone too?

    From the announcement:
    Boze likes this.
  5. Rogue001 Lorekeeper

    I don't have any of the loot, the flip side is they "fix" it...which in most cases means making it worse and broken.
  6. Catashe Augur

    Ain't the loot i care about... its the like 45% a AA per kill + like the 3 or 4 AAs for completing the mission.. Especially since you can use the loot for like a year
  7. Owch Crotchety SOB

    No. Just.... no.

    Expect that cannon to go away in a patch real soon.
  8. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    In this case, and many cases but also specifically this case, we are fine with players acquiring loot before they can use it. It is part of the reason for the "Required level 110" on the items.
    At this time we don't plan to spend the resources to make additional lower level items for that event.
    We will discuss this Thursday and see if we make a different decision.
    Boze and Froger like this.
  9. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    The main issue with the GMM gear being available from a Heroic Adventure comes in for the 6 months of RoS and TBL.

    For RoS the best group gear is 4500-4700 HME. This GMM stuff is 6200-6400 HME. So the second RoS launches group geared players could have no reason to do the new content for gear (other than Augs) since everything is a 33% downgrade best case scenario. Also the T1 raid loot is basically equivalent to the GMM stuff. It also is better in many ways compared to the best EoK raid gear. So for many you may end up just banking a full set of GMM drops and when RoS launches and you hit 110, you immediately replace all raid gear from the last expansion (and definitely any raid gear older than EoK) and put on this GMM group gear you banked up by farming a level 95 task.

    If that’s the route we decide to go I suppose I’ll start farming my warrior his set now so he is ready to coast through RoS and TBL without worrying about new gear.
  10. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    You have at least a partial point. It isn't a complete set of gear, but it is lots.
    I would have thought the mission (heck GMM itslelf) was locked to TBL... I'll add it to the list to ask.
  11. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    I mean the announcement for the zone I seem to recall explicitly stating it was an addition to the base game. Now obviously it requires an SoF zone to access and the mobs are all basically unkillable til 100-105 I would imagine. I tried to kite one at level 90 and saw full resists on every spell even big negative Resist spells.

    As much as I’d like it to be always accessible like the announcement indicates, the gear does pose a balance issue for those first two expansions when 110 is attainable.

    But even the mission aside, I wouldn’t be too surprised if starting in the 105 expansions like TDS/TBM/EoK, players will be strong enough to form a raid, or just a ton of single groups with Mercs and defeat the group named in that zone for their drops. Granted that’s a much bigger level of effort input compared to a single group mission that scales down to your level, but it is something else to consider if the zone will remain untied to any expansion.

    Also the Type5 augments from the zone appear to be level 105 required level rather than 110. These Augs are all 63 Primary Heroic and 25-29 Secondary Heroic stats. The first TBM Type 5 augments we will have access to are 32 Primary Heroic and 11 Secondary Heroic stats for the vendor bought ones with the 2-3 rare random drop Augs being 40 to Primary Heroic and 14 to Secondary Heroic.

    They probably should require 110 to match the group gear dropped from the same zone but I know how much Live players hate TLP originating changes so perhaps all the named mobs in the zone could just require TBL to start spawning if you want to leave the zone available?
  12. Punchis-themonk Elder

    Gross... remove it all till TBL imo
  13. MaxTheLion Augur

    You better do a server sweep and remove all items people collected if you decide to go down this slippery slope.
  14. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

  15. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I don't think it matters, personally.

    But I'm curious if Plane of War will have a similar impact on RoF? (I'm not sure when Plane of War opens, or if it already is open?)
  16. Aegir Augur

    Pretty sure Plane of War is Call of the Forsaken era.
  17. Cleaver Augur

    Why would it lock to TBL ? GMM was an anniversary zone correct ? You shouldn't need to buy an expansion to access anniversary content.
  18. jeskola pheerie

    On TLPs, all the anniversary content is locked behind the era it was released in, just like all other content.
    Ngreth Thergn likes this.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I tought GMM was seen as part of TBL.

    Or are you giving it more of an itentiy crisis than it already has and tiying it in to VOA as well as SoF & TBL.
  20. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I agree there is a lot of reason for confusion: the /achievements (and lore?) being listed under the Secrets of Faydwer expansion, the zone being officially advertised for levels 95 and higher, and the mob difficulty and loot rewards being tuned for The Burning Lands/level 110.

    But I don't really think it matters, even for the 3 months of RoS. Good for anybody who can take advantage of it, but by that time, Phinny is basically a live server anyhow.