pets & quest items

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by beryon, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. beryon Augur

    Can we please have all quest items also tagged as no-pet? The darn rascals have an uncanny knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time during turn ins.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Just suspend it or park it away from the quest hand in NPC. /pet guard has its uses.
    Kaylord101 likes this.
  3. beryon Augur

    Yes I know; I do that when I'm fully awake, but when I'm turning stuff in at the end of the night and I'm half asleep, every so often something gets eaten.
  4. savrin Augur

    I always look at who it says I'm turning stuff into before I hit trade. Its a real PITA that the pet is even an option to give this stuff to.
  5. Feradach Augur

    I wish there was a /trade command or something that would open up the trade window with whatever you have targeted. That way we could keep the click-through pets option enabled to avoid this situation yet still allow us to give them weapons and such.
  6. McDougal Augur

    I didn't think they took quest items. I'm always giving mine my teleport stones though:) .
  7. Khoza Augur

    I just have 'click through pets' enabled at any time when I'm not handing them pet gear, so it isn't a big issue. (F1 twice will target your pet if you need to buff/heal them, though I know some people don't like that option.)
  8. Sebekiz New Member

    This is about the easiest resolution for the problem, no matter how tired or distracted you are you can't give anything to a pet. You just have to remember to turn off the option when you actually want to hand gear to a pet.