Paladin or Sk both lvl 87 want to commit to one. Advice needed

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Beezelbub, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Lazy automation Elder

    Tear youre missing out, sick pallies make raiding so much easier. I used to raid lead with 2 amazing pallies and 3 other really good ones. If a pally has got their together you have a healing tanking curing whirlwind of awesome.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  2. Elricvonclief Augur

    Tearsin, I apologize. I took your post out of context.

    Right now though, I feel bad for SK's raid ability compared to Paladins (well played ones).
    Kelefane likes this.
  3. Obiwon Elder

    Honestly, the sk is more fun to solo and sometimes in the group game, especially if not doing undead. Pallies can do a sort of swarm, but it is no on way, shape or form, like what you see SK's can do. Its more like taking on multiple mobs and while you still kill the targeted mob, you get some riposte damage to the other mobs. It makes soloing more efficient, but you are doing 3-6 lb mobs, not 20-70.

    the two classes are very different yet both are just as viable as tanks or in the raid gain. Pallies true value in the raid game is they provide more help with group healing to offset some nasty raid named dots, etc, however, they both help.
  4. Obiwon Elder

    /agreed, swarming and all that has been killed off or discontinued. went from ok, to weak, to overpowered so they completely discontinued it going forward, instead of fixing it. by the time you are 101, if SOE plans continue, it will potentially be a thing of the past. However, that doesn't change the viability of either tank, just the ability of an "insert class" to go pull and kill an entire zone at once every 20 minutes.