Paladin Help

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Marmee, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. Marmee New Member

    I have a level 95 paladin and I am not sure what spells/aa I should be using to play with. I want to eventually just be a group tank. or be able to solo/molo(also what is a good merc).
    What spells Rotation should I be using for just regular mobs?
    what spells and rotation should I be using for undead? where is a good place to go for undead at lvl 95?
    I really like playing her and hold my own pretty well I just want to make sure I'm doing what I should be to get the best out of the class.
    Any suggestions are appreciated.
  2. Ravengloome Augur


    ^ That covers live and undead at 95.
  3. moogs Augur

    If you're going solo with a cleric merc, you could try the undead frogloks in the northeast part of Feerrott, the Dream. Or the basement in House of Thule. See how you hold up there.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    Why on earth would you use a cleric merc.
    Fenudir likes this.
  5. Fenudir Augur

    Because you're trying to bore the mobs to death?
    Dramatime likes this.
  6. Zanice New Member

    What I do at 100

    1. Preservation of the Iceclad
    2. Valiant Deflection
    3. Burst of Sunrise
    4. Force of Reverence
    5. Force of the Iceclad
    6. Wave of Sorrow
    7. Glorious Expurgation
    8. Protective Allegiance
    9. Reverent Touch
    10. Demand For Honor
    11. Splash of Cleansing
    12. Steadfast Stance

    You can translate those down to the related skills for your level. If the mobs are unstunable you can switch some of the stuns out for crushes but I find it best to use the stuns and ones with healing components to tank with and let the merc do the work.

    I generally pull with Demand for Honor, split pulling with shackles of tunare/leap of faith/divine call/balefire burst/Lull spell when needed. Once the mob is to me and ready to be tanked i spam my aggro key:

    /cast 4
    /alt act 3826 (FoD aa)
    /cast 2
    /cast 5
    /cast 8

    Then on a separate bar I have bash and Reprove bound to the same button, my 2 key.

    Beacon if there is more than 1 mob, keep Yaulp up and use defensive/offensive aa as needed.

    Im sure someone will tell me how wrong I do it but thats what I do and just have a wiz merc on burn to take care of the rest.
  7. Seldom Augur

    I don't find that spell set horrible Zanice, but think you'd probably make your life way easier by dropping reverent touch for aurora. Also, nice to have atleast one of the self yellow heals up(sorrow) minimum to give yourself some more wiggle room
  8. Zanice New Member

    It was the spell set i used for raiding where i spent 90% of the time spamming touch and never bothered to change it. Ill look into changing it
  9. Zanice New Member

    Also I wanted to add my self buffs for you so you can look those over and make sure you get everything covered.


    Pledged Keeper (Paladins version of cert line)
    Remorse of the Fallen
    Valor of Marr/Haste pot/Haste Clicky of some sort
    Armor of Formidable Grace
    Blessed Aura
    Silent Piety


    Chestplate of Dark Flame (use our proc spell if you dont have this)
    Form of Defense (ring)
    Expanded Mind (belt)
    Illusionary Spike (back)
    Myrmidon's Skill (shoulder)
    Soothing Breath (ear)
    Might of Stone (ear)
    Steamwork Companion (familiar)
    Mount or illusion ac buff
  10. p2aa Augur

    For aggro, at lvl 105, if you want to keep it seriously over dps class, especially in raid when some don't wait to burn dps, you will need at least the following combo : Crush or Stun / FoD / Crush or Stun / Valiant.
    The best aggro crush / stun to use are Crush of the Darkened Sea or Force and the Darkened Sea and Ardent Force.
    And if the fight last longer, don't hesitate to recast them