Pain and Glory - Vox

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Leighton, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. Leighton New Member

    We're in the process of trying to break Vox into some real raiding.

    At this time, we're really looking for some dedicated healers and a few more select classes. We have a number of highly skilled players ready to go, but need your help to get the ball rolling!

    High Priority Classes:

    Medium Priority Classes:

    *-Since this is a very new server and has a low population, we're offering any raid experienced healers a leg up with some power leveling and gear to get you up to speed quickly.

    Please check out our website at:

    For now our only raid requirements are that you have TeamSpeak 3 (Mic not required, but is very helpful), and are level 80+. That will change as our player base levels out.

    So if you're interested in joining something fresh and re-experiencing that feeling of breaking into new content again, please hop on over to Vox and contact one of our officers: Escian, Klaus, Sycloniss, Leighton, or Rogna.
  2. Leighton New Member

    Forgot to mention, our raid times start at 9PM EST. We're still playing with what days of the week will be best.
  3. Leighton New Member

    Fippy's Revenge down for a server first!

    We'll be doing a couple of UF raids, and then break into HoT very shortly as we get some new healers some more levels and AA's. Please, come join us for some exciting experiences.
  4. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    We've started to progress in HoT Tick Tock raid, was able to get the first room down with a really low turnout. Next time we go I expect a success!

    Still looking for:

    Send tells to Leighton, Escian, Sycloniss, or Bitt for more information. We will also accept social/family/friend members so don't be shy. Our goal is to bring the higher side of the server together and be able to raid long term while enjoying the perks of a low population server. Look forward to hearing from you!
  5. Marlon1957 Augur

    I am on VOX i will help you with my cleric Viler in groups but i can not join a guild as i am in a guild my cleric is level 30. contact me here any time you need group member for help.
  6. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    HoT Tick Tock dead! We're still looking for people. No real requirements for joining as long as you're a competent player and like to have fun. If you're a lower level we can help you out and get you up to par if you're willing to be patient.

    Specifically looking for a Paladin or two, any DPS class, and we're always looking for more active healers.

    We'll be try VoA raids probably after the holidays to get our feet wet there as we continue to grow in levels and in cohesiveness.

    We look forward to seeing some fresh faces so please contact Leighton, Escian, Sycloniss, or Bitt about joining. If you can't find us on, drop a line to any online member and they can let someone know.
  7. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    Post holiday update here. After only a handful of attempts we've already got the first VoA raid down to 25%. I expect it will die within a few more attempts, and us to roll through the first few VoA raids in the next few weeks.

    With an excellent core group of players, we're looking to round out our membership to try to fill raids so that we can push current RoF raids in the near term future. We raid 9-12+ EST 2-3 days a week with Tuesday and Thursday as locked days, and will raid when we have the appropriate numbers otherwise.

    Specifically looking for:
    --DPS: Any dps class, but only considering exceptional mages at this time.
    --Healers: 1-2 shamans, and 1-3 high play time clerics/druids
    --Tanks: 1 high play time warrior, 1 high play time paladin
    --Utility: 1 high play time bard
    **We're willing to consider you for any class though if you are an outstanding player.

    There really are not any minimum requirements to join, but we may start being a little pickier about new members in the near future. So even if you're lower level, come check us out. There are a number of lower levels online at any given time catching up with the pack. Our members try to encourage them along with groups, gear and advice along the way wherever possible.
  8. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    Nevermind, Illdaera's Vengeance is dead. On to bigger and better!
  9. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    Next tuesday we should be into tier 2 VoA raids. We did a little foray into the new NToV for fun to gauge where we stand. Hopefully we can return there in a couple of weeks to see some dead dragons.

    We've really been making some headway here recently, so if you're looking for a more casual hardcore environment we're the place to be.

    Could see us needing a paladin, druid, shaman, and any dps. We've closed recruitment on mages, enchanters and shadowknights. Soon we'll be closing necros as well.
  10. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    I'd like to report that Sevelak in the new revamp NToV is dead, and give a big grats to our members on our first RoF raid kill. We're also into T2 VoA now.
  11. AdeC New Member

    Hi i'm a lv 34 /35 Cleric on the VOX server,
    I'm from the Uk and play most days for a few hours.
    I'm a mature gamer.
    Toons name is Ozztoo
  12. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    Up to four dragons dead in the RoF NToV. Sevalak, Jorlleag, Lady Nevederia, and Lord Koi`Doken. Next week I think we'll have another two added to that list.

    Still looking for dps, and healers. Please send tells to any member you see around and they'll get you in touch with an officer.
  13. chingchang New Member

    Who wants to join a crap guild that steals everyones camps on Vox without a word?
  14. Sinzz Augur

    wow grats you first time you post ever here is to trash another guild? png dont seem like bad folks i have seen them in alot of the same zones i was in and never had a issue with them but judging from your 1 action here im betting there is a whole other side to this , either way i havent heard much bad about them in general and we know vox general is known to gutter :)
  15. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    Anonymous trolls will be trolls.

    If you have a problem, talk with myself or Escian. We don't do drama, and we don't take kindly to others trying to cause it. That said, if you want to send me a tell and speak to me like a normal human being I'll be happy to oblige and return the same sentiment. If you don't want to speak to me like a normal person then don't even bother wasting our time. If your post is any indication, I'm not expecting much.
  16. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    Just a quick update:
    VoA T2 Valley raid down
    VoA T2 Sarith raid under 20% on what I'd call our first real attempt
    RoF Lady Mirenilla added to the dragon farm list in revamped ToV

    We're still recruiting:
    Bards (High need)
    Clerics (Low - Medium need)
    Druids (Medium need)
    Beastlords (High need)
    Paladin (High need)
    Shaman (Low - Medium need)
    All other dps (Medium - High need)

    At this point, I'd say we have room for roughly 2 more groups of dedicated raiders with the possibility for a few more after that for exceptional candidates.

    Now raiding three days a week: Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays from 9PM to 12PM EST.
    We use a zero-sum DKP system found here:
    Teamspeak 3 for raids is a requirement to raid. Don't need a mic, but need to listen and follow directions.

    Please come check us out. This has been a blast building the guild up to this point, and there's so much more fun left to have.
  17. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    Sarith VoA T2 raid down.
    Dagarn the Destroyer one shotted tonight.
    Also had some good attempts on both Lord Kriezenn and Aaryonar that I expect both to be added to the list in the near future.