Overseer progress reset

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kilj, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Daikano New Member

    It should be noted that I encountered this bug long before personas were a thing on the Nameless server where I had multiple toons. The overseer reset occurred when I swapped between characters while sitting in the guild lobby on two of them. In retrospect, this bug likely was triggered when I attempted to open overseer on a sub 85 toon then went to my 92 SK. Its not really a persona bug as this occurred at least a year ago. Personas just make it more likely to be encountered, I think.
    Rondor likes this.
  2. Bernel Augur

    Nice job! Thanks for doing all that testing to reproduce the problem. Hopefully that helps them address the problem quicker.
    Daikano likes this.