Overseer - Cranium Conundrum - Continuous Fails

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by I_Love_My_Bandwidth, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I am trying to complete Overseer Quest - Cranium Conundrum on one of my accounts. This account happens to be my main, and is the most advanced in Overseer. I am only missing three of the Agents.

    I have completed Cranium Conundrum on 8/9 accounts using DayBreak Cash. My main account in Overseer shows three failures, all three are from Cranium Conundrum.

    Unfortunately, I did not take note of what the completion chance was.

    From my character log:

    [Wed Aug 23 09:12:51 2023] You have started the Overseer quest Cranium Conundrum with the following agent(s): Mayong Mistmoore, Phinigel Autropos, Meldrath The Malignant.
    [Wed Aug 23 09:20:22 2023] Your Overseer quest Cranium Conundrum has been completed. [CRITICAL FAILURE]
    [Thu Aug 24 10:31:19 2023] You have started the Overseer quest Cranium Conundrum with the following agent(s): Mayong Mistmoore, King Kazon Stormhammer, Meldrath The Malignant.
    [Thu Aug 24 10:31:25 2023] Your Overseer quest Cranium Conundrum has been completed. [FAILURE]
    [Fri Aug 25 12:33:54 2023] You have started the Overseer quest Cranium Conundrum with the following agent(s): Mayong Mistmoore, King Kazon Stormhammer, Meldrath The Malignant.
    [Fri Aug 25 12:36:06 2023] Your Overseer quest Cranium Conundrum has been completed. [CRITICAL FAILURE]

    I find it difficult to accept this is mere chance. Possible bug?
    Metanis and Barton like this.
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    Did you leave the Overseer window open during the quest?

    Did you leave the character logged into the world during the entire time?

    Both of those things tend to make Overseer quests fail (I have failed *one* quest from the new Stone Cold Summer line ... and it was Cranium btw ... but I had left the character logged in and the Overseer window open from the start to the end of the quest).

    Also, there seems to be a bug that I was going to report ... but I'm not sure how best to phrase it (so here goes) ...

    With the holiday Overseer quests, you can get a situation where you have an active quest in your quest list AND the quest pops up again in the Quests tab on a rotate. If you attempt to start a second of the same quest you have in the Active Quests tab, you will get an error message AND the original active quest in your quest window will get the bug where no agents are in the list. And we know that when this bug happens, quests fail more often.

    So ... that's all I got. If none of that applies to you, then something else is going on ...
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Yes. I completed each time using DBC - so was within seconds of starting the quest.

    Same as above. Was seconds between starting and finishing.

    This is not my experience. Plus, 8/9 accounts finished in the same way - DBC+Finishing seconds after starting - all 8 succeeded, some crit successes.

    My gut tells me either the combination of one or more of the agents I was using caused the failure, or I am INCREDIBLY, UNREASONABLY unlucky.
  4. Dimuza Not New

    I am having the same issue as you are - the monstrous failures on what reasonably should be a rather easy quest. I've yet to have less than an 80% chance of success, but it keeps failing. I gotta say - it is super frustrating
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    UPDATE: I was able to complete Cranium Conundrum today. Instead of using Autofill, I used the "best" of my Rare agents. Used 0 Elite agents. Chance was listed at 82%. I then attempted to complete the quest with DBC. Success.

    Not exactly corroborating evidence, but perhaps there's an issue with using all Elite agents on these Stone Cold Summer Overseer quests?