Overseer completely reset

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Daikano, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. Daikano New Member

    I submitted a ticket for this issue this morning with several screen shots and the official response was to submit a bug report regarding the issue. I've since swapped personas a few times, and I even logged into a character on Firiona Vie and overseer progress was normal there. The quests have cycled twice now and still only lvl 1s available.

    The character name is Dufus - 85 Berserker on Thornblade server.

    The ticket details were as follows:

    When I logged in yesterday, I discovered that my Overseer progress for all missions showed level 1 on the stats page, and only half of my missions offered were above level 1. I asked my guild for advice and most said this happens sometimes and should fix itself if I log out and back in again, or sometimes zoning can fix. It did not. I decided to wait until the tasks offered had cycled to see if the problem cleared. I logged out hours before the cycling period was to occur to ensure online status would not be a factor. Today, all tasks offered are level 1, and stats page still has nothing. I have a couple of rank 5 research missions and rank 3 crafting missions in my completed window to show that the progress had been made. Achievements panel does not reflect that I had progressed beyond rank 2 on anything which is also bugged as most everything was above rank 3, and research was definitely maxed out at rank 5.
    Rondor likes this.
  2. Daikano New Member

    And just so the trail is clear, here's the response I received from customer support:

    I wanted to get back to you regarding your troubles with what may very well be a bugged or malfunctioning mechanic within EverQuest. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you today. Please be sure to submit a bug report at https://everquest.com/bugs, so that our team can look into the issue further. During this time, CS is unable to manually adjust your issue for immediate correction, as this will need to be looked into by our team.

    EverQuest Official Forums provide patch update notes, under the Game Update Notes (Live) section. As the timeline of bug fixing can vary, we are unable to provide any ETA's for reported bugs and encourage players to check back in the future using our boards. We highly appreciate your understanding and if you have any future questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
  3. Gialana Augur

    Are you bypassing the LaunchPad? If so, I think (but am not positive) that people have fixed this issue by logging all the way out and letting the patcher run.
  4. Daikano New Member

    I appreciate the suggestion, but I use the launchpad, and don't use any addons at all for my EQ. This problem runs deep, I think.
    Gialana likes this.
  5. Gialana Augur

  6. Daikano New Member

    This may be related to the issue as two days ago I had opened Overseer during a raid and hit complete on three missions but realized I didn't have inventory space to claim the reward (research and crafting) so I closed the window. I had swapped to the persona before logging out for the night, and the problem began the next morning. I logged in as the lvl 81 SK persona and everything was normal. I switched to the 85 zerker and the reward window immediately popped up upon logon so after verifying I had inventory space I accepted the crafting materials reward. When I went to pick up new missions I realized that they were level 1 offered.
    This has been the state of it for 2 days now, and I've zoned dozens of times. I've swapped personas and characters multiple times, and nothing has changed its state. I even logged into the game on my wife's computer as if that might have some impact on what the server is showing me. It didn't.
  7. Daikano New Member

    I just reproduced the exact steps that were described. After swapping to persona, typing /overseer to get the error then going back to the lvl 85 persona (my main) it showed a 100% reset status, and as soon as I zoned, it showed everything as lvl 1, but the categories I had completed yesterday when claiming the aforementioned rewards were incremented upward but still lvl 1. I suspect the bug in question there is purely UI related. Mine however, has carried beyond the UI and into the account.