Overseer actions freeze the client briefly

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Angahran, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. Angahran Augur

    When selecting overseer actions, the client freezes briefly.
    e.g. Auto-Fill, Start Quest and selecting Yes, Collect reward.

    Easy to see if you have some type on persistent spell effect visible.
    tanith, NyteShayd, Windance and 2 others like this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    It's not a bug because Overseer runs synchronus not asynchronous like the rest of the game, and it's worse the more agents you have because it has to process them all over every action. Less than 800 total agents is where you want to be.
    Windance and Andarriel like this.
  3. Angahran Augur

    If pressing a button completely freezes the game, that is a bug.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  4. Warpeace Augur

    Bug or simply a performance issue?

    I agree overseer should not cause the client to freeze for any reason. But I consider that a performance issue since both are working....just not very smoothly.
  5. hky2 New Member

    Always happen to me. The client got freezes. I have many agents, but there is no way to lay off them. I need spend over an hour for convents agent to upper tier. However, I still have over 10 duplicate for each common agent. I didn't do any recruit task, but common agents is a parts of reward research task.
    tanith likes this.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Yes the freezing and stuttering is worse. Not sure if it has much to do with how many agents since I have since I have 413 which is no where near 800 and the entire screen will freeze then unlock in a slightly different position.
    tanith likes this.