Orb of Calm Tides - harassment object

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by smash, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. smash Augur

    Why has this been made as a reward for completing the 3 missions in part 2 of cotf ?

    Basically it can be used as a harassment thing, as it do cause a slight amount of lag.

    Earlier when it started to rain, we would have druids remove rain, and now you made so people
    can CAUSE rain to fall.

    Withdraw the item, or change it to something else.
    noclue likes this.
  2. Mithrandyr Augur

    Snow item please!
  3. Edrick Augur

    The only thing that lags me in Everquest is turning on shadows. Even having a PC that has one year old hardware, turning on shadows, at the bare minimum, halves my fps. I think this has to do with Everquest's Tunare engine not being intended to have shadows, originally. Rain was originally in the game so if that lags you, well, you might need to get a computer that doesn't have parts that use vacuum tubes.
  4. DCPD158 Elder

    SoE has been dragging their collective butts in reference to the zone wide disruption caused by beam kiting, so having a hope in hell of getting this even LOOKED at is very far down their list of concerns. Now if it was something that actually brought a class up to some semblance of par, no doubt they would bring out the +10 nerf bat.
  5. Falos Augur

    If you time it just right you can use this rain clicky to reset all AA recast timers.

    Now that's what I call making it rain.
  6. LoudGuitar Journeyman

    I like the rain. What ever became of that lute that used to make everyone dance? Did they nerf it out cause of whiners?
  7. Stubar Augur

    This can't be a real thread. If someone is actually sitting and getting stressed out about a rain click....
    Kiillz likes this.
  8. Edrick Augur

    Maybe the OP is an ombrophobic.
  9. Karthanon Augur

    Perhaps make the click make targetted mobs beam immune. Force more QQ!
    Brogett likes this.
  10. Retty Lorekeeper

    eMachines are not viable gaming rigs.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Andarriel like this.
  11. SOE-MOD-19 Journeyman

    I could go for a clickable rain item in real life. But I'm just partial to severe weather.

    Thread locked for becoming non-constructive, however.
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