one week

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by hakmer, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. hakmer Augur

    i know devs are busy and all of that, but i was thinking. One week, one dev per night. Open raid on devs target of choice. Only stipulation is it can't be a raid that dev developed. One on each active server. Developer leading an open raid. Now THAT would be fun. Or even better do it for 12 nights before frostfell. Community come up with a name for these 12 nights.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd rather the devs got on with developing the rest of CotF.

    But I would say this idea is to much of a risk of an upset if only 53 players can get in on the raid, too much of a time issue as to when to set it for. Most servers have players on all sorts of playtimes, which would you expect a dev to do this? The dev would never win, which ever time he picked someone would complain it wasn't on their time zone.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. Mykaylla Augur

    Why do you want them to lead a raid? Most of them aren't raid leaders.
  4. Edrick Augur

    How about making them raid targets instead?

    You know, just for fun. No sinister reasons intended, naturally.
  5. BoomWalker Augur

    So true...wonder how much the devs even know about the classes and how to leverage them on a raid.

    But to support this about devs picking a raid to participate in (on a toon they enjoy playing) and that raid will give some special loot drops for Frostfell...but it would have to be run multiple times per server to let more folks in on the fun...

    Might become a time sink...and as others have suggested...working on the next DLC would probably be a better use of time...everyone is exciting about the next 4 new raids...maybe they could go on those raids in beta (and on test) prior to release...

    Interesting idea...just not sure it would turn out as well as you hope...
  6. Gragas Augur

    Totally support this, all types of evil intentions intended.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    It would be interesting to see how they would set up a raid...and if they see the synergy of classes the same as we do.