Older Perma-Camped Zones. (Expedition Idea)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vento, May 11, 2020.

  1. Vento New Member

    For zones that are seemingly perma-camped such as Vex Thal, Temple of Veeshan, Sleepers Tomb, etc, it would be awesome to have some sort of expedition option. Anguish is a perfect example, playable once every 4+ days and still able to enjoy it with a small group or solo.

    I understand the gear limiting idea, not everyone deserves to have everything they want and first come first serve. The zones are old though, most of the gear is worthless beyond illusions, or fun style clicks at this point. For instance the Veil of Flames has a ridiculously low drop rate and requires weeks of camping. 5 or 6 years back I had it camped down to a science and must have dropped the mob 10 times to no avail, eventually not caring anymore and pulling my main out to actually play the game. Back to the point of this, if someone is after 1 item they're going to wipe the zone each time, every named is going to be dropped (and why not, you're already there). So for the entire population of the server, 1 person at a time for weeks/months on end can dominate a zone until they receive everything they came for, whether it's the HUNTER ACHIEVEMENT or GEAR.

    I believe the expedition option would still give fair enough chances at any loot/hunter achievements with a long enough replay timer to not have to dominate a zone wondering when things are going to spawn because of the day + hour variant timer. Similar to Anguish, mobs that you're after WON'T always be up but at least there is a fair fight for stuff you want, and drop rates would remain the same of course.

    These zones are wipeable by just about anyone solo at this point, lets get over ourselves with the prestige of the rarity of certain loot. It's not 2000-2002 anymore, guilds aren't communicating when their raid days are.
    Yinla, Jhenna_BB, dreadlord and 2 others like this.
  2. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Yeah, if only there was some kind of instance creation agents that could make this happen. Probably too much work to go about creating them and assigning the correct DZs and spawn points and all that.
    Barton, Tucoh, Boze and 1 other person like this.
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I hate permacamping as much as anyone and I think the idea is feasible.

    However, I fear that the devs will make items like 'Bone Earring of Evasion' (IVU click) ultra rare chase drops like the utility items from DoDH and SoF missions.
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

    They already have instances for certain open world raids where you get 6 day lockouts or what not. The devs have continuously stated that the current plan is to only have them on TLP. This will not be coming to live servers.
  5. Vento New Member

    This reply might as well read as, "the devs have continuously stated that they will allow one player to be a giant J.O and monopolize zones for months on live servers, now and forever."

    Keep requesting it, it's not a crazy idea and it can be done. It might not be the greatest update, but small things make a difference. We shouldn't be allowed to enjoy a zone EVER because someone else wants something from there that's rare? Get outta here.
  6. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Hopefully one day it will happen! I know there's no plans to bring the Agent of Change to Live atm but one can dream :) .

    I know lots of people were disappointed when it was announced that the new TLP server that wasn't true box and had Agent of Changes was going to be locked at PoP. This would of been the first server that you could box on with the Agents of Change and when it reached live would of technically been the only live server with AoC's. Unfortunately that's not going to happen though :(
  7. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Why do they favor tlp over normal servers? does tlp actually make them that much money? I don't care for tlp myself as all that stuff is in the past and you can never relive it like was back in the day. like no maps ect. Was just different.

  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    PoP-lock was removed, so Rizlona will eventually become a live server - whether it will retain a population long enough to make it to being a live server & if it will retain AoC once it does are yet to be discovered.

    Selos will hit live status prior to any other TLP server, if it still has a population there by then it will be interesting to see how the AoC & Truebox statuses are handled there & if they set a precedent for TLP that follow.

    I think adding AoC to live servers would be a fantastic QoL improvement & having some targeted at "problematic" zones which are getting some nasty bottle-necking due to selfish players monopolizing certain places for long periods of time would be very helpful in reducing player frustrations about that.
    Vento likes this.
  9. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    I must of missed that, that's good news though!