Old returning player question.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Omenhunter, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Omenhunter New Member

    Ok, to give you some background, I played EQ upon release up to POP. I was in some of the hardcore raiding guilds at the time (8 hour required raid attendance). I finally quit at the release of POP, and now am considering returning. My question is I have not played the game since then and If I return would going to a progression server be better for me? I have not seen the other changes to live apparently and so far have no idea what they are. But for an older player coming back and jumping back in ...it seems to me the progression server would be less of a shock. I have no problem paying for my games...so that is not an issue. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Machen New Member

    The progression servers will be less of a shock for sure.

    But to a great extent it depends which content you want to see. We are on expansion 13/20 on the progression servers, TBS. If you want to see raid content from expansions 13-19, the progression servers are the way to go. If you want to see the current end game raid content, well, we'll still be two+ years catching up to live on the progression servers.

    Also depends to some extent on your play style. Have you picked a class? Do you plan on boxing or just playing a single toon? Do you want to raid or only do group content? And how much time are you prepared to invest to get caught up?

    On the progression servers, you only need to get to level 75 and a few hundred AA to be ready to raid. On live, it's level 100 and a few thousand aa. So if you want to raid, and want to get into raiding fairly quickly the progression servers are probably better for you. On the other hand, we don't have access to mercenaries yet on the progression server, which can make it more challenging to progress to max level if you don't have a dedicated group to play with.
  3. Brulia Elder

    I would recommend Fippy the progression server. I am recently back as well and have had a blast here!! Shockingly no shortage of groups!! If you give it a spin and need an enchanter look me up!

    Best of luck!