Old NPC Models Why Now? (Dev Please Respond If Possible)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Brelic, May 10, 2017.

  1. Glowerss Augur

    It's going to make necromancers and baby jesus extremely sad if the old models don't apply to the necromancer and/or their pets.

    Like, exceptionally sad. The new Spectres in particular are an abomination, and necromancers deserve to have their old ones back =(

    Hell, sell original skeleton/spectre models as a petamorph. People would buy the hell out of them.
  2. Accipiter Old Timer

    #RevertFreeport ?
    Janakin likes this.
  3. AgentofChange Augur

    The obsession with freeport is weird. Who cares.
  4. Brumans Augur

    Obviously a lot of people.

    I mean, it's easy to understand. It sticks out like a sore thumb. The other zone revamps kept the same basic layout and structure for the most part - so while they look different, if you knew the old zones, you could get around in the new zones just fine.

    That's not the case with Freeport. A lot also dislike the overall look of it.

    It may not bother you much, and that's fine, but it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to understand what a lot would want to see it changed. To be honest, once you're in Luclin and beyond, it really doesn't matter much in my opinion.
  5. Gidono https://everquest.allakhazam.com

    In order to revert back to the old Freeport, they would have to transfer over quite a few NPC's from the new Freeport or else spell, tradeskill, quest NPC's would be missing. The old Freeport would be crowded with all those NPC's if they transferred over, it would look rather odd.

    Freeport is a big hub town for many different things in future expansions and this is one of the reasons why they revamped it. I'm not personally bothered by the revamp and thought they did a good job visually for the town. I quickly got used to it and mapped the town out so I knew where to go for certain things.
  6. Zapford Elder

    One of my gripes with New FP, other than the terrible layout, is the fact that they just kind tossed NPC's, Vendor's and GM's around haphazardly. Makes no sense. You even have some class spell vendors and GM's in areas that are not even remotely close to the rest of that classes NPC's. I think even if I had never played the game, that I'd hate the zone due to it's poor design/implementation.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    I don't get the angst. You have Find. You don't ever have to know your way around. BTW, the original Freeport wasn't exactly a master planned community, either.
  8. AgentofChange Augur

    It's been years and years and years. Hell over a decade since they changed it. Most people eventually get used to change, or get over it...
  9. Zapford Elder

    Original FP made sense. NPC's were placed together in logical ways. Necro and SK's were not standing around out in the open doing laundry like they are now, spell vendors were all near there respective class guilds, not just plopped down in some booth. New FP might look pretty, but it was done is a lazy careless way IMO. Some changes in game were for the better, and I welcome those; new FP was not one of those. As for Find, bleh, another thing that should not be in game.

    BTW it's not Angst, I am way to old for that, it's pure unadulterated bitterness.
    Prathun likes this.
  10. HellHound989 Journeyman

    Woah! I didnt know you all were hiring?!?!

    And I live in Pflugerville, TX, and find out and you have a Studio in Austin, TX!

    Time to forward my resume....
    Prathun likes this.
  11. Prathun Developer

    The heights, heads, mats, and genders line up appropriately between classic and Luclin versions of player models. You can change only the race and it looks correct. This is often not true for NPCs.

    Here's a good example of what happens if you just use the other version of the race.
    Left side is a kobold in the tutorial using the new model. Right side is what happens if we change only his race ID to the classic race.

    Janakin likes this.
  12. fransisco Augur

    Please don't take away the new models. As bad as they are, the classic ones are 100x worse!
  13. Accipiter Old Timer

    LOL, I have to appreciate the candor.
  14. br3ntasaurus New Member

    Love the classic models, excellent change! Thank you. Would love to see gnolls added to the list as well.
  15. Accipiter Old Timer

    LOL, Prathun. That old model kobold reminds me of this:

  16. Brumans Augur

    Yeah, but many (like...almost all of my guild) didn't play EQ by the time Freeport was revamped. So it was a shock to them.

    That said, again, I'm just saying I understand other people's point of view on it. I'm not a fan of the new Freeport, but I adjusted to it well enough and don't think it's something worth spending time on.

    Looks good to me! SHIP IT!
    Prathun likes this.
  17. Ltldogg Augur

    Love the old models; glad to have them replace the new ones! More of that!
  18. Prathun Developer

    Compact size, Werebat torso, regular gnoll legs, and snowy head and front paws. What's not to like?

    The gnolls in Qeynos, Qeynos Hills, Blackburrow, Paw, Jaggedpine, and Iceclad appear to be using the classic model. It looks like the only gnolls in classic EQ that aren't using the old model are the ones in Highpass. Maybe for a future update.
    Talladore likes this.
  19. Glowerss Augur

    What about pets though? Specifically Necromancer skeleton and specters?
  20. Prathun Developer

    Maybe for a future update.
    Talladore likes this.