Old characters

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by edeescam, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. edeescam New Member

    I cannot remember the last time I logged in. I was on the Quellious server but my characters are no longer there. Is it because I am logging in on as a free account? One character was like 54 so nothing too low, at the time anyway.
  2. Stymie Pendragon

    There have been a number of server merges over the years. Your characters should be available as long as you know the username and password. Maybe this link will help?

    If not, welcome back anyways! You can contact DBG to get your old account(s) back if you want to. It took a little back and forth for me after a 15 year hiatus, but I got everything working again in a week or so.

    If you plan to play on a live server, starting from scratch isn't that big of a deal anymore with the help of mercenaries. Also, the new armor you get at level 10-15 or so is as good, if not better, than original planar armor. Search EQ Defiant armor to see I mean.
