Old Binding Blood player

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Dreammirror, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Dreammirror New Member

    Hi! This message is for anyone from the old Binding Blood guild from way back in 2001-2003 era. I used to play as Dreammirror, a high elf enchanter. Looking to see if any of the old gang still plays or is around anymore. Buds were Reboh/Stickypaws-the guild leader, Dayshuvu-guild cleric, Dantedark-iskar deathknight, Pevehouse-Fighter, Shamtel-Awesome Shaman, & Overhi-Palidin. I logged in again on 7/16/2016 to play a little with a friend. Been over 10 years. I see Reboh left a farwell message in 2011 but no forwarding info. Looking to contact any of these former players to catch up on old times. If you have any info on these players, I will check back here, and will recieve email notifications if anyone responds. Thanks!