ok hear goes, rant on

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by gyrixfiddlhorn, Aug 21, 2014.

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  1. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    Soe needs to do something about solo classes in general. I have seen at least 7 tanks lfg for 5+ hrs in game. Don't give excuses for ur class by saying u don't have time to play unless solo. Plain & simple its not fair if 1 class can solo & all cant, so make it where all can or none can, that will allow all to play what class they want without so much 1 sidedness. A soloer with a merc is nearly unstoppable (I play several) but a tank class with a merc is just a speed bump with half the exp gain, pretty much a footnote in this game, yet tanks are supposedly needed to play. Waaaa about the mages who the f cares? Tanks have been neglected (warriors especially) to the point that if u don't raid they are useless. I personally sit in gl for 9 hrs straight with /lfg on, 5 days in a row. Please fix the one sidedness, make it fair.

    100 warrior, emarr server
  2. silku Augur

    Yes, cause making it to where others can't get a group.. will fix you.
  3. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    gee a mage or soloer
    imagine that. its not me, its all tanks pretty much rogues monks any class cept soloers, they have their pre made groups
  4. Wayylon Augur

    Why didn't the 7 lfg tanks make two groups with mercs?
    Axxius and beryon like this.
  5. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    hard for a 75 to group with a 100 & be effective, even hard for a 90 to group with a 100, & pointless for a 50 to group with anyone but the 75
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Some classes were made to solo!

    Taking a few classes out of the equation doesn't stop the others grouping. As you have already listed group with rogues and monks, pick up a cleric (another class who cannot solo) and you have your group.

    I've decided to ditch my mage box for an SK box, just over half way leveling her up. Just because you stop players from soloing doesn't mean you're going to get more groups.
  7. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    its a good start
    at least give the nonsolo classes a chance to solo
  8. Edrick Augur

    Warriors are neglected? Are you kidding me? They are more powerful than they ever have been right now and are incredible in group and raid. Have you ever played with a warrior bef-

  9. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    oh their power for groups is there, just everyone picks up the no brain pocket tank groups like mage necro bst. make it to where warriors can solo, then I can add a merc & really dominate like ummm any beast any necro any mage, make this game a bit fairer. heck any other game out there warrior is the most viable class to solo, check out ad&d first or second edition, warrior with a heal potion 20 hp can take anything out at his lvl multiple times in a row without the use of the potion. if one class can solo all should have the option
  10. Gumlakx Augur

    I expect there are several classes that are not good at moloing, such as clerics and rogues.

    Us players have to be proactive at forming groups. We should be more open to inviting LFG people into our groups even if we don't necessarily need that character to complete our task/adventure/whatever. When LFG, we need to find where the action is and send tells directly asking if there is a spot open.
  11. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    yup, make em have the same opportunities as the other classes, or remove the godhood from the other classes.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    so what you want is 16 classes with the same opportunities? Never gonna happen.
  13. Triconix Augur

    Uh, how about no. Considering how I played a war since '99 I can undoubtedly say you're wrong.
  14. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    oh yeah I been here too
    im not wrong @ edrick, in the power curve warriors are so far behind
  15. Sheaffer Augur

    Warriors are doing great right now and are a joy to group with. Maybe the problem isn't the class but the person playing it.
  16. Sheaffer Augur

    Also, people need to be more proactive finding groups. Instead of sitting around lfg, put a group together. Much more likely to be successful that way
  17. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    hummm, posts from sheaffer, to address the first, a freakin group would be a joy to get. ok so every tank that's out there begging for a group is a bad person, just saying.... next post u think I don't do that?
    freakin hastle to beg group needing players for 9 hrs also, man do u even play eq?
  18. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Come to CT - You can't FIND a Tank unless it's Raid Night. (seriously)
  19. gyrixfiddlhorn Journeyman

    come to emarr ill invite u to guild & group with ya, inny born & as close to inny as I can get these days
  20. lumin Elder

    BAHAHAHAHAHA, I almost fell out of my damn chair, the only thing warriors can do without a group is play god mode in griegs end or pick there nose with the tip of there sword. I have played a warrior main in raid gear since 2003, you will run your cleric merc OOM long before anything worthwhile is dead.
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