[Oakwynd] <Chaos Reorganized> EST Medium-Core Raiding Guild

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Balero, May 6, 2023.

  1. Balero Journeyman

    <Chaos Reorganized> is a guild on the Oakwynd server. We are looking for more like minded people with the goal of clearing content but not losing sight of playing with others they would like to spend time with. We are welcoming all players. Egos and toxic behavior should be checked at the door. We aren't looking for those that want to come in and get bent over small things. If you're looking for a home, consider us in your future. We are not a box heavy guild or a zerg force.

    Several of us have been together since the Mischief server, and though all the faces are not the same we have continued to grow and progress.

    Raid Schedule: Days Monday / Wednesday - Times will be 7pm-10pm CST with pre-clears starting at 6pm CST

    Loot System:

    We use a closed DKP bidding system via OpenDKP. Bids are handled directly through the website on the spot. No need to wait for your loot. Officers cannot see bids until the auction is complete, so there is no funny business.

    Class Needs:

    Bard - Open
    Cleric - Open
    Druid - Open
    Enchanter - Open
    Mage - Open
    Monk - Open
    Necromancer - Open
    Paladin - Open
    Ranger - Open
    Rogue - Open
    Shadow Knight - Open
    Shaman - Open
    Warrior - Open
    Wizard - Open

    Primary Recruiters: Sizzlesnaps, Capri
    Contacts: Lovabelle/Poison, Denmer/Apsalar, Balero/Balbro, Kegerator/Dispensary


    Ewaz of_E'ci likes this.
  2. Sampah New Member

    I'll have to shoot you all a message as I'm very interested
  3. Balero Journeyman

    Feel free to find us on discord or send me a message directly!
  4. Olestra Elder

    I may be interested depending on the raid days as I can not raid thursday night through saturday.
  5. Balero Journeyman

    As of right now we have voting going on in our discord. It is looking possibly like Monday / Tuesday / Friday are in the lead and we will most likely pick 2 main days from those. but who knows what might happen
  6. Balero Journeyman

    A week from today Oakwynd launches! Get excited, theres still slots left on the roster, come check us out today!
  7. Balero Journeyman

    Raid days have been voted on and will be Monday / Tuesday
  8. Balero Journeyman

    5 Days till oakwynd launch. Come find a few friends to grind with and become a part of the family along the way.
  9. Balero Journeyman

    3 Days to go!! Lets get excited everyone!!
  10. Basak Augur

    Something special happening?
    Balero likes this.
  11. Balero Journeyman

    Ive heard there is this new TLP launching. Just trying to get everyone hyped up :)
  12. Balero Journeyman

    Tomorrow is Oakwynd launch day and were looking to finish filling the roster. Have you found a home yet? Are you currently signed up for a guild that has you on the bench already? Come over and checkout our family and see if we have what your looking for.
  13. Penlog New Member

    Is there a min raid attendance to bid? Just curious, I am most definitely interested. I haven't fully decided what I'm playing yet, but I'm learning towards cleric so I can find groups easy when i do get time to play.
  14. Balero Journeyman

    There is no raid attendance required.
  15. Balero Journeyman

    Server is up and running, while your fighting that server que, feel free to come check us out, and see if we might be the place for you.
  16. Balero Journeyman

    Welcome to week 2 of Oakwynd! If you dont have a home yet, and are looking to raid, come on by.
  17. Balero Journeyman

    Updated recruitment post. First night of raiding down and we got some gear. Hate was enjoyable as ever. Fear tonight! Still time to get in before we get more gear to rot away.
  18. Balero Journeyman

    Oakwynd is in full swing. We are looking for a few more raiders to round out our roster. We have also changed our raid days to Monday / Wednesday. If raiding isnt your thing, feel free to come hang out with our people and do the casual play as well.
  19. NireVZ Elder

    Real great guild leader, real poor officers. Will be a great place to raid and get reprimanded for speaking your mind! Luckily they will only be around until a new WoW server opens up.