Nobody wants a kunark start

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ownanat, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. Duder Augur

    This doesn't look like my "the minority" at all... in fact, it doesn't look like his "the minority" either. I think the one it resembles the most is you'res.

  2. Ruiner Elder

    I think OP underestimates how many TLP veterans play every single TLP server and just how boring the classic launch can get after awhile. That being said they probably should have made the other server a classic launch for the folks that haven't played in awhile. I for one am excited for Kunark and how it will shake up the leveling routes.
  3. Toni Xelphi of Bristlebane

    I want a kunark start.
  4. Candystore Augur

    OP said no one wants a Kunark start and everyone told him they want a Kunark start.

    OP tried to argue no one wants waffles at a waffle stand where everyone is enjoying their waffle.
    Celatusp99, Doze and Yinla like this.