NO QUEUE at login - do not make the second server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Qing, May 27, 2015.

  1. Osangar Journeyman

    I am currently sitting in Q on all 3 of the accounts my wife and I play, 30+ minutes now. Why should the 2nd server not be created again?
  2. Shinkhi New Member

    Been in queue for an hour.. 6:57pm

    Get a grip.. You logged in at NOON. People are working dude...
  3. xakanrn Augur

    my problem is creating a second server has historically proven to be a bad idea in the long run.
    ragefire requires a sub and by the time people get their nostalgia fill many will quit esp. those who let before the boxers era and now see the horror of non instanced world and boxing .
    so what happens then?
    at least here there a good chance for 1 server ragefire to hold a decent population for a while.
    creating lockjaw will divide people and in 6 months be 2 low population servers.
    i have no doubt many will reroll on lockjaw hoping for a fresh start(yeah i know RF less then 1 week old but seems many felt "cheated" of a fresh start),hoping to dodge the boxers(think many will be shocked how many boxers will follow) and ofc end of queues.
    but long run ,unless they plan to merge server fairly quickly its asking for trouble.
  4. Frenzic Augur

    Nooooo! I'm gonna miss you guys! High class gamers, sad to see you go.
    Protocol likes this.
  5. Vaclav Augur

    We'll always have the lizardman foreplay memories.

    Honestly, if unlocks stay as is - I'll probably keep both characters up to date though at least until Luclin. Too much time to not hedge my bets that way.

    Regardless slacking today hopefully the extra instancing goes up tomorrow - probably be more motivated to put in effort on my "alt server" at that point - just don't want to fight over camps today that might be comfortably instanced tomorrow.
  6. Dreftan Elder

    Think most people that want a second server just want one so they can log on and play after work instead of waiting in a queue for a couple hours before shutting down and going to bed. What idiots right ? They have no idea.
  7. Bloops Journeyman

    Sorry OP, I'm waiting on lockjaw actually. But just for you I'll put my 2 accounts in the queue and take 2 spot on the server. Try to not get disconnected would be a shame really.
    JemAsEQ666 likes this.
  8. Jadefox Augur

    7:30pm Eastern and in a Queue. Lurvely.

    --Jade Q always has an escape plan
  9. JemAsEQ666 Lorekeeper

    Funny I have been in a Q for an hour so far =)
  10. Nuanil Elder

    OP is an ignorant self absorbed EST resident. That is all.
  11. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Crashed about fifteen minutes ago, and stuck again in queue.
  12. arwilly Lorekeeper

    Taking a few days off while I wait for Lockjaw.
  13. Oberon Augur

    request denied
  14. Maximz Journeyman

    Whats the current queue time? Im waiting as of 5pm PST, its 5:15 now...
  15. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Been in about twenty minutes so far, after a crash.
  16. Maximz Journeyman

    ah alrighty, ty for the quick reply ;)
  17. Qing Journeyman

    You must be from California.
  18. Hexaholic Augur

    Can't wait to make my magebox army on that server as well!
    Sizzle likes this.
  19. Nuanil Elder

    Nope. Guess again.
  20. Jadefox Augur

    Crashed out. Now in Queue again... delightful.
    Well, at least I can catch up on my forum reading.
    Lemme get my mind-bleach ready.

    --Jade Q 2 Electric Boogaloo