no christmas bonus exp?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by hiallya, Dec 24, 2021.

  1. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Total different sub collects on these is 13

    Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Frosty Monsters (5 Points)
    Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Frostfell Exotics (5 Points)
    Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Frostfell's Finest (5 Points)
    Frostfell Familiar in a Box: Spirit of Frostfell (10 Points)

    Not included in the above lists:

    Frostfell dog in a crate - 6 sub collects
    Frostfell Cat in a bag

    Only TLP servers might have this one
    Reindeer Saddle
    Edit just found this on live servers in marketplace for $8 on sale

    All of these collects have an additional reward of a unique familiar if you collect them all.