No Barrier message for defeating SoF

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hamshire, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Hamshire Augur

    Last night Echoes of Elysium of server Vulak defeated the final boss of Secrets of Faydwer Kerafyrm which should of given a barrier message at which starts the timer for the next expansion Seeds of Destruction. Could this possibly get looked into as soon as possible for all of us on progression, a lot are afraid that the ride might be over due to this is where the last progression server ended.
  2. Quazie Elder

    Did you kill all four elemental dragons and Broodmother before Kera?
  3. Hamshire Augur

    Yes, all dragons must be dead before the kera door can even be opened, everything is dead, server-wide for all, + order has never mattered in the past, just all server-wide targets being dead.
  4. Hamshire Augur

    Piestro just got back to me saying they believe they know what the issue is
  5. Pigskin Journeyman

    Well I'm glad Piestro got back to you promptly

    Its a shame that 4182 people could request a new server yet it takes years for anybody to say whether there is any possibility of it happening at all in the next 10 years
  6. Machen New Member

    We had the same issue on Fippy Darkpaw.
  7. Grishkalur Journeyman

    Piestro, can you let those of us on Fippy and Vulak know what that issue might be and when we should expect it to be resolved?
  8. Machen New Member

    Piestro, it would be very helpful also if you can confirm when the votes will run given this hiccup.
  9. Emeralda New Member

    Piestro, can you explicitly state what is incorrectly causing causing the barrier message from activating, before guilds implement incredibly stupid policies based on their completely speculative hallucinations?
  10. Damdor Journeyman

  11. Piestro Augur

    Not yet. We're still looking into it. We'll get it addressed though, and progression will continue appropriately until you guys are caught up to the current expansion.
    Apex likes this.
  12. Machen New Member

    Thanks for the update Piestro.
  13. Nolrog Augur

    It was one person requesting it 4182 times. And that doesn't change the point that Piestro can help when there is an issue with the existing server but has little to do with being able to set a new one up.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  14. oisjafoij Augur

    Do you have a working progression server timeline so we can see what checkpoints there are for the expansion? Some geniuses think its class bp's for some reason.
  15. taliefer Augur

    class bps were listed on the everquest webpage checklist during the original progression servers life. i dont think they were actually required to progress tho. i didnt play there much myself, but i checked the checklist webpage outta curiosity while it was going on
  16. Machen New Member

    The original servers never progressed past SoF so I'm not sure anyone knows really what was actually needed. In earlier expansions though the armor stuff was just for reference and not actually needed--Velious for instance.
  17. Hamshire Augur

    It won't be class BPs for two reasons, one if it was they would of just came right out and said it and two during Velious class BPs where listed but not required which would make it the same case here, making class BPs a requirement, even more so the grp versions for this expansion would be beyond stupid.
  18. Piestro Augur

    Not that is visible to players unfortunately. Necessary security changes broke the old timeline. I'll see where we are at today with this.
  19. Machen New Member

    You all should take it off your front page if you have no intentions of fixing it. Just saying. Kinda bad publicity to have a front page feature not working.
  20. Piestro Augur

    I believe we are in the process of removing it.

    Back on the topic, there is a raid that players no longer have access to that is causing the blockage. We're looking into different solutions now.